Whitelisting Email addresses in WebMail

– If you have established contacts that are of particular importance to you, you can add these contacts or domain names to your whitelist. Depending on their typical Email behavior it’s possible that some of your contacts could accumulate a spam score, something which spam referencing agencies like Spamhaus often assign to domain names or Email addresses which have questionable activity, this can result in their Emails becoming blocked by some providers. To ensure you stand a better chance of receiving Emails from these contacts, it;s recommended that you ‘Whitelist’ them.

– The first step is to click on ‘Settings’ in the top right hand corner of the screen.

– Now that you are in the ‘Preferences’ section as indicated in the image below on the far left column, select ‘Whitelisted Addresses’ from the next column.

– Write an Email address, or a domain name, press Enter on your keyboard to go down to the next line, add another and so on.

– To remove an Email address or a domain name from the Whitelisted addresses, simply delete the Email address or domain name in question and press ‘Save’

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