How to write a blog – our tips and tricks to help you succeed

Marketing, Tips & Tricks

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Based on recent research, users spend 2 – 3 seconds deciding whether to read an article. Even if they do click, many will abandon a post without reading the whole thing. According to further research, 70% of visitors will never return to your site.

Although this seems harsh, it’s the reality of our immediate gratification culture. With everything available at our fingertips, as a writer, you need to make your content stand out to ensure your readers regard it as a good investment of their precious time.

How to write a blog

As a writer, you know what you have to say is valuable and you want to share that insight with the world. So how do you turn disinterested scrollers into loyal, regular readers? Check out our tips below for how to write a blog users will want to read.


The first step in creating content which converts is to know who you’re talking to. Getting to know your audience will help you understand how to write a blog readers can relate to.

This isn’t necessarily as simple as figuring out who you want to be reading your posts. Use data analysis to find out who relates to your content and the keywords they’re searching for to encourage click-throughs.


Writing compelling headlines is key to a successful blog. As mentioned above, users generally spend under 3 seconds deciding whether to read your post, so if your headline doesn’t grab attention, users will just scroll past.

There is plenty of software available to help determine and improve the emotional value of headlines, making sure you grab your audience’s attention.


Nobody wants to read one huge paragraph, particularly on a small device. It’s unpleasant on the eyes and visitors won’t keep reading if the content doesn’t feel user-friendly.

Utilising subheadings helps break up content and gives skim readers an idea as to what your post is about before they read it properly.

Bullet points

Similarly, to subheadings, bullet points break up your post and give the eyes a break. Be careful not to overuse them, however, keep them simple and to the point like mini-headlines.


The human brain is easily bored so break up your content with images which add value to your writing.


Although SEO shouldn’t be your only consideration when writing a blog post as this can make your writing feel unnatural, you should never write a post without giving some consideration to keyword and semantic relevance.

Call to action

Ensure your posts include a clear ‘Call To Action’ such as asking readers to ‘comment’, ‘like’ or ‘share’ to increase engagement and make them feel part of something. If you’re selling a product, encourage them to buy or ‘subscribe’ if your product isn’t a physical item.

Get the right name

In the ever-changing world of online communications and the rise in bloggers from all types of backgrounds, getting the right domain name is crucial for bringing readers back time and time again. At you can find the domain name which is perfect for your blog or company. Create a personalised email address to add that aura of professionalism your readers will love.