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Enjoy complete peace of mind with Managed WordPress


Running a website can be stressful.

There are security and software updates to stay on top of, ongoing website optimisation to perform, plus of course, the enormous task of having to restore from backup should the worst ever happen.

All of this, alongside our increasingly busy lives, can make maintaining your website feel like a constant worry. That’s where we can help. With Managed WordPress you can sit back and focus on running your business, while our expert team keep your website in tip-top condition!

With beautiful designs and an array of powerful features, it’s no wonder that WordPress was in use on nearly 40% of all websites in 2021.1

Managed WordPress takes this to the next level with complete hassle-free hosting for your WordPress website.

Stay up to date

No need to worry about the risk of using outdated software, as we’ll take care of it for you! We’ll be checking regularly if there are any updates to your WordPress version, as well as any specific themes or plugins your website may use. Our experience with WordPress means we can fully check each one for compatibility issues before we install it, greatly reducing the chance of anything going wrong.

Keep Google happy

As some websites grow over time they start to slow down. With the news last year that Google was starting to penalise slow-loading websites2 you want to make sure that doesn’t happen to you! We’ll ensure we setup super-fast caching that helps your website run at lightning speed. Your images will be optimised and we’ll make sure your PHP settings are configured for optimal website performance.

Malware Detection

New viruses appear every day and if your website gets hit with one the clean-up process could be laborious, not to mention having to contend with the possible drop in Google ranking. Our security team will make sure your website is protected by state of the art virus detection, with regular scans and automatic removal of any detected malware. Now there’s a weight off your mind!

Automatic Backups

It happens to all of us at some point – we publish a new update to our website and then suddenly realise it needs to go back to how it was. If you don’t have a recent backup you could be in for a busy day! With Managed WordPress that’s one less thing to worry about, as your website is regularly backed up. If it needs rolling back to an earlier version then the simple 1-Click Restore process means it’s no hassle at all.

Seamless Website Migration

Already have a WordPress website elsewhere and don’t want to start from scratch? Not a problem! With Managed WordPress we’ll transfer across your existing website files and folders, rigorously testing everything as we go. With the optimisation improvements and updates that we’ll do you may find that it runs better than ever.

Get the help you need

As if all of that wasn’t enough, our WordPress specialists are waiting on the other end of the phone for whenever you run into problems, or if you have a query. Along with the online ticketing portal in your Online Control Panel, you’ll have the reassuring, expert help you need, whenever you need it.

Save time, reduce stress and get full peace of mind with Managed WordPress. Spend your time doing the things you really want to do instead, and let us take care of the vital task of looking after that most important of business assets – your website.

1 Source:

2 Source:

Just getting started with WordPress?

Creating a website can feel like a daunting task, however with our FREE WordPress for Beginners e-Book, you’ll learn how to make your own WordPress website. We’ll show you how to turn a blank canvas into a fully functional website. You’ll learn how to create new pages, posts, and content and how to use WordPress plugins and themes.