How to register a .ie domain name – personal use

Do you want to register a .ie for personal use?

It used to be really complicated to register a .ie domain name for personal use. The great news is that now, if you are an Irish citizen, it is really easy to get a .ie domain name and you can register any combination of your name, including first name only, last name only or even a nickname.


To show your connection to the island of Ireland and evidence of personal identity, please provide ONE of the following:

  • Irish Passport.
  • Irish / UK drivers licence (showing an address in the island of Ireland).
  • Irish / Northern Irish bank statement (showing an address in the island of Ireland).
  • Official College ID (issued by any educational institution recognised by the Department of Education).
  • Department of Social Protection issued Public Services Card.
  • Correspondence from Ireland’s Revenue Commissioners (showing your PPS number).

If you can’t provide any of the above, you will need to provide separate evidence of your connection to Ireland and evidence of your personal identity.

If you are using a utility bill to prove your connection to Ireland, it must show an address in the island of Ireland, please note that you will also be required to include proof of personal identity (e.g. passport, driving license).

Grab your .ie domain – Search now

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