Changing your domain’s DNS settings -68 33569 Once logged into your Control Panel, click on your domain (if you have more than one), scroll to the bottom... Tags: DNSDomains
Changing the Nameservers for a domain -29 25399 If your domain is registered with Register365, you can change the nameservers that it is using in your Control Panel.... Tags: DNSDomains
What is Supported Setup? 0 2206 As part of our Office365 products we offer Supported Setup, but what is Supported Setup? Supported Setup is the process... Tags: DNSMicrosoft 365
What is SMART and how do I set it up? -2 2116 The SMART (Secure Malware Alert & Removal Tool) technology performs deep website scans at set intervals to detect malware and... Tags: DNSSecuritySiteLock
What is Site Admin? -4 3732 If you have an account with Register365 then you have access to our Control Panel, allowing you to manage and... Tags: AccountDNSOnline Control Panel
How to Edit the Hosts File in macOS -1 2167 The hosts file is a text file that maps hostnames to IP addresses.Upon typing a url address on the browser,... Tags: DNSManaged ServersMigrationServers