5 benefits of using Social Media Marketing to connect with your target audience

Marketing, Tips & Tricks

Use social media to sell online

Since more than 3 billion people are now on social media, developing an effective social media marketing strategy is more important than ever before for businesses wanting to increase their visibility and long-term success.

Increase traffic to your most important Digital Asset

Your website is almost certainly one of the powerhouses of your business, which means that you need to persuade as many people as possible that engaging with the content on your website is valuable and worth their time.

Curating and maintaining an active presence on the social platforms that your ideal audience use will enable you to provide an overview of your brand and to communicate who you are and what you have to offer. Consistently sharing valuable and engaging content is key to building a loyal following on social platforms that you can use to highlight new product launches, advertise special offers and channel traffic to your website.

Target your advertising

Advertising is an important component in generating brand awareness and ensuring that your business is visible to as large a percentage of your target audience as possible. Traditional advertising often requires a substantial financial investment that is beyond the reach of many businesses, but social media marketing can be equally as powerful.

Businesses can choose to target very specific demographics with their digital advertising, making it a highly cost-effective marketing channel that is appropriate to all budgets. As more money will be invested in Facebook advertisements this year than into newspapers, digital advertising clearly delivers meaningful results for business across a wide range of industries and sectors.

Enhance your brand’s relatability

Increasing numbers of consumers want to engage with and purchase from brands that they can relate to. Effective social media marketing can help you to humanise your business and heighten the connections you have with your ideal audience.

Showcasing your brand values and ethos is an excellent way to earn the trust of your audience and consistently maintaining an approachable and authentic digital presence will encourage conversation and build brand loyalty.

Measure Return on Investment (ROI)

You need to know that your digital strategy is delivering meaningful results. A decent ROI will confirm that you have made informed marketing decisions that are resonating with your audience. Conversely, if your ROI isn’t looking as healthy as you had predicted or expected, analysing your engagement metrics will help you to identify which aspects of your approach can be refined or redeveloped.

Keep tabs on your competition

The social media landscape is busy and highly competitive because so many brands have recognised the value in building visibility, recognition and loyalty amongst social media users.

Monitoring the approaches that your competition are pursuing and analysing the results that they are getting can be a source of inspiration for your own strategies and/or act as a warning sign for approaches that perhaps won’t help you to secure the kind of results that you really want to see. This data will also help you to respond to marketplace changes, ensuring that your brand remains adaptable to the needs of your audience.

Success in modern marketplaces is becoming increasingly reliant on an intrinsic ability to not only embrace social media marketing, but to utilise its power strategically in achieving core business objectives.