General Terms & Conditions

Contact Us

Table of contents

General Provisions

  1. These terms
    1. What these Terms and Conditions cover. These are the Terms and Conditions on which we supply products and services to you. A contract is formed between Namesco Ireland Limited t/a Register365, and you, our customer as named on any order acceptance, and will consist of these Terms and Conditions, together with any schedules that relate to specific products or services that you have purchased from us, and any order acceptance (the “Contract”). The Contract shall apply to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions including any terms and conditions which you may attempt to introduce or rely on.
    2. Why you should read them. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before you submit your order to us. These Terms and Conditions tell you who we are, how we will provide products and/ or services to you, how you and we may change or end of the Contract, what to do if there is a problem and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these Terms and Conditions, please contact us to discuss. For details of how to contact us, please refer to section 2.1.
    3. There are other policies that may apply to you. These Terms and Conditions refer to the following additional policies, and documents which also apply to your use of our site:
      1. Our Privacy Policy, which sets out the terms on which we process any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us. By using our website, you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.
      2. Our Acceptable Use Policy, which sets out the permitted uses and prohibited uses of our site and services. When using our website, you must comply with this Acceptable Use Policy.
      3. Our Code of Practice, which sets out information concerning the services we provide to you.
      4. Our Cookie Policy, which sets out information about the cookies on our site.
      5. Our Refund Policy, which sets out when and how you can obtain a refund (alongside provisions in these Terms and Conditions).
      6. Our Data Processing Agreement (“DPA”) between you and Namesco Ireland Limited t/a Register365, if applicable. In case Namesco Ireland Limited t/a Register365 processes personal data on your behalf as a data processor, the DPA available at the following link will apply.
        If you accept these Terms and Conditions, the relevant DPA will apply.
        If you do not process personal data a data controller or data processor, no DPA will apply.
      7. Our Online Harms Procedure which sets out the process for reporting illegal content hosted by Register365.
    4. We also have a number of product specific Schedules which can be found on our website. Ensure you read the correct Schedule which applies to the product or services you are purchasing.
    5. If there is any conflict between the terms in each Schedule and these Terms and Conditions, the applicable Schedule will take precedence.
    6. Are you a Business Customer or a Consumer? In some areas you will have different rights under these terms depending on whether you are a Business Customer or Consumer. You are a “Consumer” if:
      1. You are an individual.
      2. You are buying products and/ or services from us wholly or mainly for your personal use (not for use in connection with your trade, business, craft or profession).
    7. Provisions specific to consumers only are in red and those specific to businesses only are in blue.
    8. If you are a Business Customer this is our entire agreement with you. The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between us in relation to your purchase. You acknowledge that you have not relied on any statement, promise, representation, assurance or warranty (except statutory warranties for Consumers) made or given by or on behalf of us which is not set out in the Contract and that you shall have no claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation or negligent misstatement based on any statement in this Contract.
    9. We may alter or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time for any reason upon giving you not less than twenty-one (21) days notice in advance by post, email, and/or by posting the alteration on our website at setting out the date it is to take effect. If we send the notice by post or email, we will send it to the most recent contact details you have provided. Except where the change is as a result of legislative or regulatory requirements, if you do not wish to continue with the service as a result of the change to the Terms and Conditions, you may terminate the Contract without penalty by giving us written notice to reach us not less than seven (7) days before the date when the alteration to our Terms and Conditions is to take effect. If we do not receive such a notice from you prior to that date, and/or if you continue to use the service after sending us a notice, you will be deemed to have accepted the alteration.
    10. It is important to note that if you purchase any of our services bundled together as a package, (for example you purchase a package that includes both a domain name and email as opposed to purchasing these separately), termination of any part of the services may result in termination of all the services provided as part of that bundled package.
  2. Information about us and how to contact us
    1. Who we are. We are Namesco Ireland Limited t/a Register365 (“us”, “we”, “our”)a company registered in Ireland. Our company registration number is 456946 and our registered office is at 6th Floor, South Bank House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4. Our registered VAT number is IE 9682869J.
    2. How to contact us. You can contact us by telephoning our customer service team on 01 5255768, via your Online Control Panel once your account has been set up or by writing to us at Acton House, Perdiswell Park, Worcester WR3 7GD United Kingdom.
    3. How we may contact you. If we have to contact you we will do so by telephone, via your Online Control Panel or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us in your order.
    4. "Writing" includes emails. When we use the words "writing" or "written" in these terms, this includes emails.
  3. Our contract with you
    1. Your order must be submitted to us via your Online Control Panel, through our website or with one of our representatives.
    2. How we will accept your order. Our acceptance of your order will take place when we confirm your order, through completion of the process via the Online Control Panel or an email sent to you to accept it, at which point a Contract will come into existence between you and us. Time will not be of the essence in providing the products or services to you.
    3. If we cannot accept your order. If we are unable to accept your order, we will inform you of this and will refund any charges for the product and/or services. This might be because the product and/or service is not available, because of unexpected limits on our resources which we could not reasonably plan for, because we have identified an error in the price or description of the product and/ or services or because we are unable to meet a delivery deadline you have specified.
    4. We reserve the right to refuse orders for any reason. Where we do refuse an order, we may notify you that the order will not be processed. If the order has been processed and you have paid our charges after we notify you that your order has been refused, the charges you have paid will be refunded.
    5. Your order number. We will assign an order number to your order and communicate this to you when we accept your order. It will help us if you can tell us the order number whenever you contact us about your order.
  4. The duration of the Contract
    1. As stated at Clause 3.2 above, the Contract will start when we accept your order for services, which we will acknowledge in writing by sending you an email to the email address notified to us in your account. The Contract will continue in accordance with the terms applicable to a particular service set out in the Contract and for the subscription period applicable to the services in question (as displayed on our website at from time to time and confirmed by us in writing).
    2. At least four (4) weeks prior to expiry of the applicable subscription period, we may remind you of the impending expiry of the services by notice to the then current contact details specified by you on your account, subject to your communication preferences. The provision of the services will lapse unless we receive payment for the extended term of the subscription. We will not be liable in respect of the non-renewal of a service if, having sent you a renewal notice, we do not receive notice of renewal and the applicable payment, or if you fail to notify us of a change of contact details.
    3. The Contract (and any subscription for service(s)) may be terminated early by you or us pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
  5. Your rights to make changes
    1. If you wish to make a change to the product or services you have ordered, please contact us. We will let you know if the change is possible. If it is possible we will let you know about any changes to the price of the product and/or services, the timing of supply or anything else which would be necessary as a result of your requested change and ask you to confirm whether you wish to go ahead with the change. If we cannot make the change or the consequences of making the change are unacceptable to you, you may want to end the Contract (see Clause 10).
  6. Your obligations
    1. You agree to:
      1. Provide certain true, current, complete and accurate information about you as required by the application process;
      2. Maintain and update the information you provided to us when purchasing our services as necessary to keep it current, complete and accurate; and
      3. Ensure that the contact details you have provided to us are an up to date and valid method of communication.
    2. We rely on this information to send you important information and notices regarding your account and our services, for example, information relating to the impending expiry and renewal date of a domain name or other service.
    3. We will not be liable in respect of the non-renewal of a service or registration of a domain name if you do not receive our renewal notice having failed to notify us of new contact details.
    4. You must ensure that all information submitted is correct as we may not be able to rectify errors.
    5. You warrant that you are capable of entering into a binding Contract; or are acting with the express permission of a person or organisation, and are using the payment details of that person or organisation, and that they also agree to be bound by the terms of the Contract. You also acknowledge that you will:
      1. Immediately inform us on becoming aware of any unauthorised use of our products or services;
      2. Not use our products or services, or allow them to be used, for unlawful purposes or for the publication, linking to, issue or display of any unlawful or objectionable material (including any pirated content, material which is obscene, threatening, malicious, harmful, abusive, defamatory or which breaches any third party’s intellectual property rights or which encourages criminal acts or contains any virus, worm, malware, trojan horse or harmful code) whether under Irish law, the laws of the country in which you are based, or any other jurisdiction where the results of such purpose or the material in question can be accessed;
      3. Comply with all applicable legal requirements when you are using our products and services. Such legal requirements include, but are not limited to, the Data Protection Act 2018 (whilst it is still applicable), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, and the Computer Misuse Act 1990;
      4. Not use our products or services, or allow the products or services, to be used for the publication, web forwarding, linking to issue of or display or any material which in our absolute discretion may harm us, or any of our associated companies or their clients;
      5. Comply, and ensure that anyone using our products or services complies with our Acceptable Use Policy;
      6. Comply promptly with any security policy or requirement that we bring to your attention; and
      7. Promptly provide us with any such information or assistance as may reasonably be requested of you.
    6. You acknowledge that you are entirely liable for all activities conducted and charges incurred, in relation to our products and services, under your user name and password, or otherwise in your name and you acknowledge that we will not be liable for any loss of confidentiality or any damage resulting from your inability to comply with the Contract.
    7. You acknowledge that we have no obligation to:
      1. Train you or your employees, agent or subcontractor on use of the products or services that we provide;
      2. Manipulate in any way any material which you wish to and/or do post on any website or other system or any communication it wishes to send via or in relation to the products or services that we provide; or
      3. Validate, vet or edit such material for usability, legality, content or correctness.
  7. For more information regarding your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy sets out what information we require from you and what we do with the information once you have provided it.
  8. Our rights to make changes
    1. Minor changes to the products and services. We may change our products and services:
      1. To reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; and
      2. To implement minor technical adjustments and improvements, for example to address a security threat. These changes will not affect your use of the products or services.
    2. More significant changes to the products or services and these Terms and Conditions. In addition, as we informed you in the description of the product or services on our website, we may make other material changes to these Terms and Conditions or the product or services that we are providing to you. If we do so we will notify you and you may then contact us to end the Contract before the changes take effect and receive a refund for any products or services paid for but not received.
  9. Providing the products and/ or services
    1. When we will provide the products and/ or services. During the order process we will let you know the period for which we will provide the products and/or services to you. If the products are ongoing services or subscriptions, we will also tell you during the order process when and how you can end the Contract. We will supply the services to you until either the services are completed or the subscription expires (if applicable) or you end the Contract as described in Clause 10 or we end the Contract by written notice to you as described in Clause 12.
    2. We are not responsible for delays outside our control. If our supply of the products and/or services is delayed by an event outside our control, then we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay. Provided we do this we will not be liable for delays caused by the event, but if there is a risk of substantial delay you may contact us to end the Contract and receive a refund for any products and/ or services you have paid for but not received.
    3. In order to ensure good performance of the servers, we need to perform routine maintenance. This may mean that we need to take our servers offline. Where possible, we perform such maintenance during off-peak hours. We will try to give you advance notice of any maintenance which requires the servers to be taken offline by sending you an email to your notified email address or on our network status page at and we will try to keep interruption to a minimum.
    4. We also may need to, and reserve the right to, suspend the service if you exceed your maximum quota as notified to you.
    5. What will happen if you do not give required information to us. We may need certain information from you so that we can supply the products and/or services to you. If so, this will have been discussed with you. We will contact you to ask for this information. If you do not give us this information within a reasonable time of us asking for it, or if you give us incomplete or incorrect information, we may either end the Contract (and Clause 12 will apply) or make an additional charge of a reasonable sum to compensate us for any extra work that is required as a result. We will not be responsible for supplying the products and/or services late or not supplying any part of them if this is caused by you not giving us the information we need within a reasonable time of us asking for it.
    6. Reasons we may suspend the supply of products and/or services to you. We may have to suspend the supply of a product and/or services to:
      1. Deal with technical problems or make minor technical changes;
      2. Update the product and/or services to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; or
      3. Make changes to the product and/ or services as requested by you or notified by us to you (see Clause 8.)
    7. If we need to do this, we will try to keep you informed and will try to keep interruptions to a minimum, but we cannot always guarantee to do so. If we have to suspend the supply of products and/or services to you for longer than twenty-eight (28) days we will adjust the price so that you do not pay for products and/ or services while they are suspended. You may contact us to end the Contract for a product and/or services if we suspend it, or tell you we are going to suspend it, in each case for a period of more than twenty- eight (28) days and we will refund any sums you have paid in advance for the product and/or services in respect of the period after you end the Contract.
    8. We may also suspend supply of the products and services in the following circumstances:
      1. If you do not pay us for the products and/or services when you are supposed to (see Clause 15.6), we may suspend supply of the products and/or services until you have paid us the outstanding amounts. We will contact you to tell you we are suspending supply of the products and/ or services. As well as suspending the products and/or services we can also charge you interest on your overdue payments.
      2. in the event that we are unable to verify your email and/or postal address we may suspend provision of the products and/or services without liability.
      3. The issuing by any competent authority of an order which is binding on us and which may prevent us providing products or services to you.
    9. Where we suspend the provision of our products or services under Clauses 9.6 and 9.8 above, we shall not be obliged to lift such suspension outside of normal business hours and until you have paid all outstanding sums owing to us in cleared funds and, if required by us, accepted such revised payment terms as we may reasonably require.
    10. Unless otherwise specified the services do not include back up of your data. You are responsible for the back-up of your own files and data, for your own internal network and all equipment that is connected to the Internet. In particular, it is your responsibility to ensure that your firewalls and anti-virus protection are kept up to date and are sufficient for your needs.
  10. Your rights to end the contract
    1. You can always end your Contract with us. Your rights when you end the Contract will depend on what you have bought, whether there is anything wrong with it, how we are performing, when you decide to end the Contract and whether you are a Consumer or Business Customer:
      1. If what you have bought is faulty or mis-described you may have a legal right to end the Contract (or to get the service re-performed or to get some or all of your money back). See Clause 13 if you are a Consumer and Clause 14 if you are a Business Customer;
      2. If you want to end the Contract because of something we have done or have told you we are going to do, see Clause 10.2;
      3. If you are a Consumer and have just changed your mind about the product and/or services, see Clause 10.3. You may be able to get a refund if you are within the cooling-off period, but this may be subject to deductions;
      4. In all other cases (if we are not at fault and you are not a Consumer exercising your right to change your mind), see Clause 10.5.
    2. Ending the Contract because of something we have done or are going to do. If you are ending a Contract for a reason set out at (a) to (c) below the Contract will end immediately and we will refund you in full for any products and/or services which have not been provided. The reasons are:
      1. There is a risk that supply of the products and/or services may be significantly delayed because of events outside our control;
      2. We have suspended supply of the products and/or services for technical reasons, or notify you we are going to suspend them for technical reasons, in each case for a period of more than fourteen (14) days; or
      3. You have a legal right to end the Contract because of something we have done wrong.
    3. Exercising your right to change your mind if you are a Consumer (Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013). If you are a Consumer, then you have a legal right to change your mind within 14 days (the “Cooling off Period”) and receive a refund. These rights, under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, are explained in more detail in these terms. There is no Cooling off Period following a renewal of our products and services.
    4. Implications for when Consumers change their minds in relation to Domain Name registration. Your right as a consumer to change your mind and receive a refund still applies once a Domain Name has been purchased. However, there is no Cooling off Period following a renewal of our products and services. Due to the bespoke nature of Domain Names you should be aware that the registered Domain Name may not immediately be cancelled by the appropriate Domain Name Registry and that the process for cancelling the Domain Name is governed by the Registry. The details of the Registry providing specific extensions can be found at
    5. Ending the Contract where we are not at fault and there is no right to change your mind. Even if we are not at fault and you are not a Consumer who has a right to change their mind (see Clause 10.1), you can still end the Contract before it is completed, but you may have to pay us compensation. A Contract for services is completed when we have finished providing the services and you have paid for them. If you want to end a Contract before it is completed where we are not at fault and you are not a Consumer who has changed their mind in the Cooling off Period, just contact us (please see Clause 2.2) to let us know. The Contract will end immediately and we will refund any sums paid by you for products and/or services not commenced but we may deduct sums from that refund (or, if you have not made an advance payment, charge you) as compensation for the net costs we will incur as a result of your ending the Contract. For the avoidance of doubt, you are not entitled to a refund within the Cooling off Period if you are a Business Customer.

  11. Instructions for cancellation (including if you are a Consumer and you have changed your mind).
    1. The cancellation process is as follows:
      1. To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us at Namesco Ireland Limited, Acton House, Perdiswell Park, Worcester WR3 7GD United Kingdom of your decision to cancel this Contract by a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or via secure ticket in your Online Control Panel which operates as a secure form of communication with us like email). This does not include informing us via social media platforms or in person.
      2. You may use the Cancellation Form, but it is not obligatory. You can also electronically fill in and submit any other clear statement through your Online Control Panel. If you use this option, we will communicate to you an acknowledgement of receipt of such a cancellation via a ticket in your Online Control Panel without delay.
      3. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired.
    2. Deductions from refunds if you are exercising your right to change your mind. If you are exercising your right to change your mind:
      1. We may deduct from any refund an amount for the supply of the service for the period for which it was supplied, ending with the time when you told us you had changed your mind. The amount will be in proportion to what has been supplied, in comparison with the full coverage of the Contract.
    3. When your refund will be made. We will make any refunds due to you as soon as possible. If you are a Consumer exercising your right to change your mind, then your refund will be made within fourteen (14) days of your telling us you have changed your mind.
  12. Our rights to end the contract
    1. We may end the Contract if you break it. We may end the Contract for a product and/ or services at any time by writing to you if:
      1. You do not make any payment to us when it is due;
      2. The supply of the service and/or additional services to you may (in our reasonable opinion) expose us to the risk of litigation or other civil proceedings;
      3. You commit any other material or repeated breach of this agreement and, if it is capable of being remedied, fail to remedy such breach within fifteen (15) days from the date of the first notice specifying the nature of the breach and requesting its remedy;
      4. We suspect that you do not have authorisation to use the payment method provided when purchasing products or services;
      5. You/your company becomes bankrupt/insolvent, enter into an arrangement with your creditors, or have a receiver or administrator appointed over all or any part of your assets;
      6. You are in breach of our Acceptable Use Policy;
      7. We determine that your continued use of our products and services pose a risk to the security and stability of our platform;
      8. You do not, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information that is necessary for us to provide the products or services; or
      9. You do not, within a reasonable time, allow us to provide the finished products or services to you.
    2. We may withdraw our products or services. We may write to you to let you know that we are going to stop providing the products and/or services and we will offer an appropriate pro-rata refund at the time of the product and or services ending.
    3. We may suspend the provision of the services immediately on sending you written notice if:
      1. We are entitled to terminate the Contract pursuant to Clause 12.1;
      2. We need to comply with an order, instruction or request of government, an emergency services organisation or other competent administrative or regulatory authority which affects our ability to provide the service; or
      3. We reasonably believe you will fail to pay any amount due under the Contract.
    4. You acknowledge that, termination of the Contract for any reason will result in us ceasing to provide all the services, with all the consequences that flow from such cessation, including (but not limited to), deletion of hosting account(s) and mailboxes. Without prejudice to any of our other rights and remedies that may be applicable, if you have not paid us when payment is due we reserve the right to delete your data from our equipment and systems, without any obligation to back-up your data.
  13. If there is a problem with the product and/ or services
    1. How to tell us about problems. If you have any questions or complaints about our products and/or services, please contact us. You can telephone our Customer Care team at 01 5255768, or by writing to us at Acton House, Perdiswell Park, Worcester, WR3 7GD United Kingdom, or via secure ticket in your Online Control Panel (which operates as a secure form of communication with us like email).
    2. Summary of your legal rights. If you are a Consumer, we are under a legal duty to supply products and/or services that are in conformity with this Contract. See for a summary of your key legal rights as a Consumer. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will affect your legal rights.
  14. Your rights in respect of defective products and services if you are a business is different.
    1. If you are a Business Customer, we warrant that our products shall:
      1. Conform in all material respects with their description;
      2. Be free from material defects in design;
      3. Be of merchantable quality (within the meaning of the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980); and
      4. Be fit for any purpose held out by us.
    2. Subject to Clause 14.1, if:
      1. You give us notice in writing within a reasonable time of discovery that a product does not comply with the warranty set out in Clause 14.1; and
      2. We are given a reasonable opportunity of examining the products;
      3. We shall, at our option, repair or replace the defective product, or refund the price of the defective product in full.

    3. We will not be liable for a product's failure to comply with the warranty in Clause 14.1 if:
      1. You make any further use of such product after giving a notice in accordance with Clause 14.2(a);
      2. The defect arises because you failed to follow our oral or written instructions as to the installation, commissioning, use or maintenance of the product or (if there are none) good trade practice;
      3. The defect arises as a result of us following any design or specification supplied by you;
      4. You alter the product without our written consent; or
      5. The defect arises as a result of your negligence, wilful damage, or abnormal working conditions.
    4. We provide no warranty or representation that:
      1. The provision of any products or services will meet your requirements;
      2. The provision of any products or services will be provided on an uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free basis; or
      3. Any results obtained from the use of the products or services will be accurate, complete or current.
    5. Except as provided in this Clause 14, we shall have no liability to you in respect of a product's failure to comply with the warranty set out in Clause 14.1.
    6. We shall not be liable for breach of any warranty in the event that the cause of such breach is related to any failure or non-availability of any third party service providers.
    7. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to any repaired or replacement products supplied by us under Clause 14.2.
  15. Price and payment
    1. Where to find the price for the product and/or services. The price of the products and/or services will be the price indicated on the order pages when you placed your order. We take reasonable care to ensure that the price of the product and/or services advised to you is correct. However please see Clause 15.3 if we discover an error in the price of the product and/or services you order.
    2. We will pass on changes in the rate of VAT. If the rate of VAT changes between your order date and the date we supply the product and/or services, we will adjust the rate of VAT that you pay, unless you have already paid for the product and/or services in full before the change in the rate of VAT takes effect. For EU customers, VAT rates are determined by your country of residence.
    3. What happens if we got the price wrong. It is always possible that, despite our best efforts, some of the products and services we sell may be incorrectly priced. We will normally check prices before accepting your order so that where the product or service's correct price at your order date is less than our stated price at your order date, we will charge the lower amount. If the product or service's correct price at your order date is higher than the price stated to you, we will contact you for your instructions before we accept your order. If we accept and process your order where a pricing error is obvious and unmistakeable and could reasonably have been recognised by you as a mispricing, we may end the Contract, and refund you any sums you have paid.
    4. When additional charges may be payable. Additional charges may be payable if you exceed any limits or restrictions on usage permitted in respect to the products or services that you have purchased from us. We will use reasonable endeavours to notify you if you exceed any such limits or restrictions in this way. Further, we reserve the right to periodically review and increase the charges that may be payable for the provision of any products or services at any time by providing you with at least 30 days’ notice of any such increase. If, on receipt of such notification, you do not wish to continue to receive the products or services in respect of which the prices have increased, you may terminate the Contract in accordance with Clause 10.
    5. Where we have agreed a bespoke price for provision of our products and services, we reserve the right to periodically review these charges.
    6. When you must pay and how you must pay.
      1. Charges are payable as specified in the product specific Schedules relating to the services in question and are due on an ongoing basis until this Contract is terminated and all outstanding charges have been paid.
      2. The charges are inclusive of any third party disbursements that we may make on your behalf, for example registration fees payable to the applicable domain name registry.
      3. Payments processed by third parties are also subject to those third parties' terms and conditions of service and we make no representations and provide no warranties with respect to those third party services.
      4. VAT and other taxes and duties (where applicable) are payable in addition to the charges for the services.
      5. If you do not make payment on the due date, we will:
        1. Be entitled to charge you interest on the amount owing (both before and after judgment) on the outstanding sum at the rate of 4% per annum above the 12 month Euro Interbank Offered Rate (Euribor), such interest accruing on a daily basis from the date that payment falls due until the date that payment is made in full; and/or
        2. Suspend the service(s) until payment is made in full; and/or
        3. Terminate the Contract in whole or in part and cease providing the products or service(s).
      6. If any payment paid to us by you is not honoured for any reason, registration and/or the service to which the payment relates will be suspended pending payment of the outstanding account in full together with a discretionary "failed payment" charge.
      7. The commencement date of the Contract is the time of the order. Monthly and auto-renewable services may be terminated by you providing us with not less than ten (10) working days’ notice, via your Online Control Panel, expiring on your billing date for the product and/ or services specified in your Online Control Panel.
      8. Where you have made duplicate or multiple payments in respect of a product or service and then require a duplicate payment or multiple payments to be refunded, we reserve the right to charge a £10.00 plus VAT admin fee prior to a refund being issued or deduct a £10.00 plus VAT admin fee from any refund issued. For the avoidance of doubt, the £10.00 plus VAT admin fee will be deducted from each individual payment that is being requested for refund.
      9. Where a payment is made to us via bank transfer of any kind, all bank charges incurred will be your responsibility.
      10. Where you have opted either online, or through one of our representatives, to pay for any services on a monthly basis by direct debit:
        1. You agree that the first payment for the service will be taken by credit or debit card and all subsequent monthly payments will be taken via direct debit.
        2. We will send you advance notice by email to the email address specified on your online account giving details of the service the direct debit relates to, the total amount, the frequency and date when the amount will be collected.
        3. We confirm that the advance notice will be sent to you at least seven (7) days before the date when the direct debit will be collected.
        4. An advance notice will only be sent when a direct debit is setup or modified.
        5. In the event that more than one signatory is required for payment authorisation on any bank or building society account, you confirm that you will print off and return to our Customer Care Department, Register365, Acton House, Perdiswell Park, Worcester, WR3 7GD United Kingdom, by recorded delivery, the direct debit mandate prior to any Direct Debit being set up. On receipt of the mandate we will proceed to set up the direct debit and you will receive advance notice of such direct debit in accordance with Clause 15.5j (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above.
        6. We will not initiate any direct debit on your account unless authorisation has been received by you.
        7. If the direct debit fails, we will send an email to the email address listed in your Online Control Panel to advise you of the failure. You agree that under these circumstances any future payments will be taken from the credit or debit card listed on your account until such time as the Direct Debit is authorised by the bank or building society or until you contact us to make alternative payment arrangements.
        8. In the event that you change bank or building society any existing direct debit for the service will be cancelled. An email will then be sent to you to request that you setup a new direct debit via your Online Control Panel. You agree that under these circumstances any future payments will be taken from the credit or debit card listed on your account until such time as any new direct debit is setup or until such time as you contact us to make alternative payment arrangements.
        9. Following cancellation of any direct debit, unless you have terminated the service in accordance with the Contract, you authorise us to take any future payments for the service, to which the direct debit relates, from the credit or debit card listed on your account.
        10. In the event that you terminate the service, but we have not received any instructions from you with regard to cancellation of the direct debit associated with the service, you authorise us to take any outstanding payments for the service from the credit or debit card listed on your account and then to cancel the direct debit with your bank or building society.
        11. You can cancel any direct debit, at any time. If you wish to cancel any direct debit you can either:
          1. Write to your bank or building society, sending a copy of the letter to us; or
          2. Send an enquiry to the Customer Care Department from the support section of your Online Control Panel ten (10) working days prior to the next monthly renewal date for the service. We confirm that any cancellation for a direct debit via an enquiry will be completed within three (3) working days of the receipt of the enquiry.
      11. Renewals
        1. Where you have opted for the auto-renewal payment method, we will advise you of the impending expiry of the services and give you notice that we will be automatically charging your credit or debit card. The notice will be sent to the then current email address specified by you on your account. In the event the payment fails, we will notify you via email and it will be your responsibility to make alternative payment arrangements for your service renewal. We will not be liable in respect of the non-renewal of a service if, having sent you a renewal notice, we do not receive notice of renewal and the applicable payment, or if you fail to notify us of a change of contact details.
        2. It is your responsibility to ensure that any products/services which you have selected to auto renew through your account with us, have valid up-to-date credit or debit card details assigned at all times. We cannot be held responsible for failed payments or loss of any product or service(s) as a result of invalid, expired or missing credit or debit card details.
        3. Any card on your account which has not been actively used by you within the preceding 24 months cannot be processed for payment. Any service(s) set to automatically renew with the card will be set to manual renewal, and such cards will be removed from your account. You will need to update your payment preferences in your Online Control Panel. We will not be liable for any failed renewals which occur as a result of a card being inactive for 24 months and therefore not suitable for your payment commitments.
    7. What to do if you think an invoice is wrong. If you think an invoice is wrong, please contact us promptly to let us know. Our contact details can be found in Clause 2.2.
  16. Our responsibility for loss or damage suffered by you (as a Consumer)
    1. We are responsible to you for direct and foreseeable loss and damage caused by us. If we fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is direct and a foreseeable result of our breaking this Contract or our failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not direct and foreseeable. Loss or damage is direct and foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the Contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen, for example, if you discussed it with us during the sales process.
    2. We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or for breach of your legal rights in relation to the products and/or services as summarised at Clause 13.2.
    3. We are not liable for business losses. If you use the products for any commercial, business or re-sale purpose we will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
    4. Your statutory rights relating to our use of reasonable care and skill in the provision of the service are not affected by the Terms and Conditions of the Contract. For further information about your statutory rights contact or Citizen's Information Board.
  17. Exclusions and Limitations (for Business Customers)
    1. We will not be liable (whether in contract, tort including negligence, or otherwise) to you for:
      1. Loss or destruction of data, profits, savings or contracts;
      2. Any indirect or consequential loss or damage, profits, savings or contracts; or
      3. Any indirect or consequential loss or damage, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation relating to the use or the inability to use or in any other way related to or in connection with the provision of the service.
    2. We undertake to use reasonable care in maintaining and monitoring our systems and services but, where we use such reasonable care, we will not be liable for any damages or losses whether direct or indirect that you may suffer as a result of service or systems failure caused by systems or services under our control which result in our systems or services being available for you to use for less than 99% of the time they should be available under the Contract. Where such systems or service failure is caused by systems or services not under our control, we will not be liable for any damages or losses whatsoever.
  18. Exclusions and Limitations (for both Business Customers and Consumers)
    1. We will not be liable for the loss of any emails sent to mailboxes of any configuration or sent from email accounts related to services provided by us. We will not be responsible for any email stored in mailboxes provided by us. It is your responsibility to preserve emails downloaded from mailboxes provided by us.
    2. Our liability to you under this Contract (including, for the avoidance of doubt, but not limited to the service level agreement and the refund policy) will not exceed the value of 12 months cost of services paid by you, up to a maximum of €5,000.
    3. While we make regular maintenance updates to our systems, firewalls and services, it is your responsibility to ensure that your system is adequately protected from viruses, worms or other disabling devices. We will not be liable for any damages or losses whether direct or indirect that you may suffer as a result of any virus, Trojan horse or other disabling device that affects services or systems, whether under our control or otherwise, caused by your failure to adequately protect its system.
    4. You and we expressly exclude any rights of third parties who may otherwise be entitled to enforce the terms of the Contract as if they were a party to it.
    5. We accept liability for death or personal injury caused by our acts or omissions and none of the limitations contained in this Clause apply to such liability.
  19. Hardware and software
    1. Where the services comprise the supply of hardware or software, use of this hardware and software is licensed to you and unless otherwise specified in the specific terms relating to the applicable service. Title to this does not pass to you at any time. Title remains with us and/or our suppliers.
    2. On termination of the Contract for whatever reason you will at your cost return the hardware to the supplier via our returns procedure within seven (7) days. If you fail to return the hardware within seven (7) days you shall pay us the current written down value of any item not returned (on the basis of a right down over three (3) years) which may be deducted by us from any refund due to you.
    3. You undertake to use the hardware and software in accordance with our instructions and with their respective licences. You undertake not to modify the hardware or software in any way.
  20. Other important terms
    1. We may transfer this Contract to someone else. We may transfer our rights and obligations under the Contract to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the Contract.
    2. You may not transfer or sublicense the Contract or the services.
    3. If a court finds part of this Contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of the Contract operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
    4. Even if we delay in enforcing this Contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under the Contract, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this Contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the products and/ or services, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.
    5. Which laws apply to this Contract and where you may bring legal proceedings. These Terms and Conditions are governed by Irish law and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the products and/ or services in the Irish courts. As a Consumer, you will benefit from any mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which you are resident. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects your rights as a Consumer to rely on such mandatory provisions of local law.
    6. Complaints. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with our products and services, please see our Code of Practice. If we are not able to satisfy your complaint about our services, then your complaint can also be addressed to the Online Dispute Resolution website at an official website managed by the European Commission dedicated to helping consumers and traders resolve their disputes out-of-court. If you wish to use the Online Dispute Resolution service, please also contact us at
    7. If you are in breach of our Acceptable Use Policy we may for example be sued for defamation or be prosecuted for obscenity. If you are in breach of the Acceptable Use Policy you shall indemnify us fully and effectively from all liability, losses, costs (including legal costs) and expenses suffered or incurred by us as a result. In particular, you will indemnify and keep us indemnified from and against all costs (including the costs of enforcement), expenses, liabilities (including any tax liability), injuries, losses, damages, claims, demands, legal costs (on a full indemnity basis) and judgments which we incur or suffer as a consequence of:
      1. A third party claim of intellectual property infringement in respect to any material, content or information provided to us or used by you in connection with the Contract;
      2. You infringing (whether innocently or knowingly) third party rights;
      3. Your misuse of the services;
      4. The operation or break down of any equipment or software owned or used by you but not the hardware; and
      5. Your breach of the Contract, negligence or other misuse of our products or services.
  21. Notices
    1. All notices which are required to be given by you or us must be sent as follows:
      1. To us by logging an enquiry through your Online Control Panel or by writing to us by first class registered post at Acton House, Perdiswell Park, Worcester, WR3 7GD United Kingdom.
      2. To you by email transmission or first or second class post to the email or postal address registered in your Online Control Panel on the date when notice is sent (see Clause 6 for your obligation to keep your information up to date).
      3. Any notice delivered to you shall be deemed to have been received by you:
        1. By email transmission on the date notice is sent;
        2. By registered post three (3) working days after the date notice is sent.
      4. Any notice delivered to us by logging an enquiry through your Online Control Panel and/or by registered post shall only be deemed to have been received and accepted by us on acknowledgment to you by email (this does not include any auto responder sent by us) or by signing for the registered post.
  22. Force Majeure
    1. Force majeure is in any case (but not exclusively) understood to mean: malfunctions or failures of internet, data, network, electricity and telecommunication infrastructure and facilities, widespread cyber-attacks, cybercrime, network attacks, (D)DoS attacks, power failures, defectiveness of goods or software of which you have prescribed the use to the Supplier, any act of God, lightning or fire, domestic disturbances, government measures, mobilization, war, terrorist attacks, obstruction in transport, strike, lockout, business disruptions, stagnation in supplies, unavailability of one or more staff members (due to illness), epidemics, pandemics, import and export barriers.
    2. The party suffering the event of force majeure shall not be deemed to be in breach of these term and conditions or otherwise liable to the other party for any delay in performance or any non-performance of any obligations (and the time for performance shall be extended accordingly) if and to the extent that the delay or non-performance is due to an event of force majeure. This clause does not extend to the obligation to pay any amounts due and owing.
    3. If the event of force majeure continues for a continuous period in excess of one (1) month after the date on which it began, the other party may give notice to the party suffering the event of force majeure terminating this agreement. The notice to terminate must specify the termination date, which must be not less than seven (7) clear days after the date on which the notice to terminate is given. Once a notice to terminate has been validly given, this agreement will terminate on the termination date set out in the notice.
  23. Sanctions
    1. The services described in these Terms and Conditions may be subject to export controls/restrictions of the European Union and/or countries in the European Free Trade Association (“EFTA”) (collectively “Embargo Imposing Countries” - EIC -). Our services shall not be re-exported, sold, transferred or otherwise used to render services to Embargoed Countries, or to or through a sanctioned national or resident of such countries. You acknowledge and agree that the services may be subject to export controls of the EIC.
    2. If you or your end customers use or access the services in contravention of the rules set out by the EIC, you shall be solely responsible for this. You undertake to be fully compliant with all applicable laws, including without limitation the export and import regulations set by EIC.​
    3. You represent and warrant that none of the content or information acquired through the use of the services will be used for any harmful or illegal purpose, including, without limitation, any of the activities, supplies or services listed in the resolutions issued by the EIC, unless expressly authorised for such purposes by a competent governmental authority. Further, you undertake to make sure that your customers will abide by the applicable regulations.​



Terms and Conditions relating to our Domain Name Registration Service


In this Schedule:

“Registrant” a Domain Name Registrant is a person or entity that holds the legal and contractual rights and responsibilities to a Domain Name.

“Registry” is the organisation that manages the database of all Domain Names and (where relevant) the associated Registrant information in the top level domains (TLDs) of the domain name system of the Internet, that allow third party entities to request the registration and use of a Domain Name.

“Registrar” a contracted party that sells and manages Domain Names. A Domain Name Registrar must be accredited by a generic top-level domain (gTLD) Registry or a country code top-level (ccTLD) Registry. A gTLD Registrar must also be accredited by ICANN.

“ICANN” the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the organisation responsible for developing and enforcing the policies governing gTLD Domain Names.

“gTLD” Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) is one of the categories of top-level domains (TLDs) maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use in the Domain Name System of the Internet. A gTLD Domain Name does not have a geographic or country designation and is governed by ICANN policies.

“RGP” Redemption Grace Period (RGP) represents a period during which a registrant can pay additional fees to recover/retrieve a gTLD Domain Name after the Domain Name has expired. Additional details on how to check the status of your gTLD can be found at

“WHOIS” is an online database that stores the registered users or assignees of an Internet resource, such as a Domain Name. The WHOIS database is accessible online and will show information such as whether a Domain Name is registered and in some instances who has registered the domain.

“ccTLD” a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) is an Internet top-level domain (TLD) generally used or reserved for a country, sovereign state, or dependent territory identified with a country code.

“TLD” a Top-Level Domain (TLD) is the part following the “.” at the far right of a Domain Name.

  1. Orders
    1. Your order must indicate the Domain Name(s) that are to be registered, including full details of the Registrant.
    2. You represent and warrant that you will provide us with current, complete and accurate information in connection with your application for a registration, and that you will correct and update this information to ensure that it remains current, complete and accurate throughout the term of any resulting registration or reservation. You understand that your obligation to provide current, accurate and complete information is a material element of the terms of this Schedule, and we reserve the right to deny, cancel, terminate, suspend, lock, or transfer any registration or reservation if we determine, in our sole discretion, that the information is inaccurate. It is your responsibility to ensure that you update the information within seven (7) days of any change during the term of the registration. In the event you fail to update information or wilfully fail to provide the updated information within seven (7) days to us or fail to respond for more than fifteen (15) days to requests by us in relation to the accuracy of the details associated with the registration, then this may result in the suspension or cancellation of this registration.
    3. You agree and acknowledge that registration and use of the Domain Name is subject to the acceptable use policies, rules and/or other terms and conditions of the Registry/Registrar. By submitting the order to us, you agree to be bound by any such policies, rules and/or other terms and conditions and to fully and effectively indemnify us in respect of all losses, costs, expenses or liability suffered or incurred by us as a result of, or arising out of any breach of these policies, rules and/or other terms and conditions. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the policies, rules and other terms and conditions of the Registry/Registrar and for ensuring that you have complied with the registration criteria and obtained all consents and authorisations necessary in respect of the registration or transfer of the Domain Name. Registration criteria for each Domain Name are displayed on the Domain Name search results page, Should additional information or documentation be required to complete the registration, the onus is on you before applying for such a Domain Name to ensure that you can provide the required supporting documentation to substantiate your claim on or entitlement to the domain.
    4. If you have registered a gTLD Domain Name, you have rights and obligations that have been established by the ICANN and which can be found at the following URL
    5. We reserve the right to refuse orders for any reason. Where we do refuse an order, we will notify you that the order will not be processed. If the order has been processed and you have paid our charges they will be refunded.
    6. We will endeavour to meet any dates agreed for the obtaining of the Domain Name(s) specified by you, but this date is an estimate only and we will not be liable for any delay.
  2. Services
    1. We provide Domain Name services on an "as available" basis. Our acceptance of your application to register a Domain Name is not an acknowledgement by us that the Domain Name is available. The success or failure of Domain Name registration depends on many factors outside our control, and we cannot therefore guarantee that your application will be successful. Your application to register the Domain Name is subject to the acceptance of the Domain Name application by the applicable domain name Registry.
    2. You agree and acknowledge that we are bound by contractual commitments that dictate we make registration information provided by you in relation to the requested domain (as stated in the order) available to third parties such as ICANN, the Registry or other third parties as applicable laws require or permit including but not limited to the police or other enforcement authorities.
    3. You further acknowledge that we may make publicly available, or directly available to third party vendors, some, or all, of the Domain Name registration information provided, for purposes of inspection (such as through the WHOIS service) or other purposes as required or permitted by ICANN, the Registry and applicable law.
    4. You acknowledge and agree that in the event of a material change being required in respect of a Domain Name owner for any reason, any responsibility and liability for such material changes shall be borne solely by you.
    5. Subject to Clause 4(f) below, if a Domain Name is not successfully registered with the Registry we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage arising or resulting from any inability to register the Domain Name or from us not accepting your order, and we will not be responsible for any costs incurred or other steps taken by you in anticipation of the registration or transfer of a Domain Name prior to your receipt of official confirmation of such registration or transfer from us.
    6. You should note that any Domain Name registered, whether or not by us, may subsequently be challenged and/or cancelled by parties other than us.
    7. You accept and agree that Register365 will publish courtesy pages containing advertisements on your Domain Name as a holding page if you have not posted web content on your Domain Name; you are free to disable the courtesy page at your sole discretion. You accept and agree that you will not be provided any kind of remuneration in relation to the courtesy pages.
    8. You agree that we may be registered as the Administrative Contact for all Domain Names registered for you or held on your behalf. We may register a contact email for domains.
    9. You agree to ensure that all domains registered through our service will not be used for any unlawful purpose, will not be registered in bad faith, or otherwise be considered an abusive registration under the Registry, ICANN or relevant dispute policies and procedures, and will not infringe on the legal rights (including but not limited to intellectual property rights) of any third person. All domains registered via Register365 must also adhere to our Acceptable Use Policy.
    10. We expressly reserve the right to deny, reject, cancel, delete or transfer any registration or transaction, or place any Domain Name(s) or other transactions or Registry lock, hold or similar status, that we deem necessary, in our sole discretion:
      1. To protect the integrity and stability of our systems;
      2. To comply with applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, or any dispute resolution process;
      3. To avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on our part, as well as our affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, and employees;
      4. For violations of this Schedule; or
      5. To correct mistakes made by us or our third party providers in connection with a Domain Name registration. We also reserve the right to place a Domain Name on Registry hold, lock or similar status during the resolution of a dispute.
    11. Any Registrant whose intention is to licence use of a Domain Name to a third party is nonetheless the Registrant of record and is responsible for complying with this Schedule. A Registrant licensing use of a registered Domain Name according to this provision shall accept liability for harm caused by wrongful use of the registration.
    12. Where a .uk NDO Plus Domain Name has been provided to you as part of a bundled service, the Domain Name is registered in the name of NDO Limited (a Register365 company) and you are renting it from us. Our charge which is payable if you wish to buy the Domain Name or transfer it to another service provider, will be found at
    13. Where your associated services have been provided to you on a Domain Name ending in, use of this domain name is licensed from a third party as a sub-domain, and as such is not available for standard purchase. Register365 has no control over the availability and administration of these Domain Names and we will notify you of any change to the party sub- domain license terms with a minimum of thirty (30) days’ notice. If the sub- domain is no longer available under license, we will offer You a suitable alternative standard Domain Name at no extra cost. You will remain responsible for updating any Services associated with the change in Domain Name.
    14. You agree that we may, at any time and without notice, change the domain name Registrar or other supplier with which/whom we manage your domain name(s). To do so may require us to perform a "Registrar Transfer". In which case, you authorise us to act on your behalf in this regard and transfer the Domain Name(s) to our chosen supplier. You agree that should any transfer authorisation emails be required, this will be dealt with by us as the authorised Administrative Contact for the Domain Name(s). We will endeavour to perform such transfers in a transparent manner, with no service disruption or the loss of any domain management facilities previously available to you. You acknowledge that by us performing a Registrar Transfer, the Domain Name(s) may be blocked from transferring to any other domain name registrar for a period of sixty (60) days’ from the date the transfer is completed.
    15. Where a domain is transferred to us, it is your responsibility to ensure you have an account with us and you have followed our transfer-in process in order for us to be able to accept and complete the domain transfer on your behalf. We cannot be held responsible for any Domain Name(s) that is/are rejected when you have not completed the transfer in process through your account with us. If at any time the Domain Name needs to be removed from the account created and placed in another account with us (i.e. a reseller's account) then we will require authorisation from the legal registrant for the Domain Name for this to occur.
    16. On receipt of a transfer-out request, we will use our reasonable endeavours to process the transfer request, but will not be responsible for any delay in effecting such transfer due to acts or omissions of your current provider or new provider (as applicable) or the Registry/Registrar. If you require us to effect a change of Registrant, we will advise you of the procedure and cost.
    17. When requesting the transfer of a gTLD Domain Name to our management, you also acknowledge that:
      1. The Domain Name has been unlocked (if applicable) and the current provider is aware of, and willing to approve, the outbound transfer.
      2. Submission of a Domain Name transfer request to us does not guarantee that the transfer will be successful.
      3. Until such time as you receive a transfer completion notice issued by us, management of the Domain Name(s) being transferred remains your sole responsibility. This includes meeting renewal deadlines and paying any amounts owed to the existing provider.
      4. The transfer fee is valid for 60 days. If, after 60 days, we have been unable to transfer the domain name, the transfer fee will become payable again if you wish the transfer to continue.
  3. Change Registrant Procedure (gTLD domains managed by ICANN)
    1. You acknowledge and accept that any variation regarding the name, surname, Organisation/Company and/or the email address of the Registrant of a gTLD domain managed by ICANN, will be subject to the procedure outlined below, in observance of the provisions of the relative ICANN policy
      1. Definitions specific to section 3:
        “Change of Registrant” refers to a Material Change to the following data: Registrant name; Registrant Organisation; Registrant email; Administration Contacts, if there is no email address of the Registrant;
        “Designated Agent" refers to the party authorised by the Current Registrant and the New Registrant for completing the Change of Registrant procedure and authorisation to proceed with the Change of Registrant on their behalf.
        “Material Change" refers to a change that is not a mere typographical correction to a name surname, organisation or any change to the email address;
        “Current Registrant" refers to the entity or person who registered the Domain Name at the time of the request for Change of Registrant.
        “New Registrant" refers to the entity or person to whom the Current Registrant requests to transfer ownership of the Domain Name.
        “Transfer Lock Period” refers to the period of sixty (60) days as of the date of completion of the Change of Registrant procedure, during which the domain may not be transferred to another Registrar.
      2. Procedure:
        Register365, for Change of Registrant requests, will receive authorisation to proceed from the Designated Agent appointed by the current and new Registrant. The Designated Agent of the New Registrant undertakes to ensure acceptance by the latter of our Terms and Conditions. The Designated Agent of the Current Registrant, releasing us from all relative liability, confirms to have informed the Current Registrant of the fact that if the latter intends to transfer the domain to another Registrar, this operation must be completed before the Change of Registrant in order to avoid the Transfer Lock Period. We will send a notification email to confirm the Change of Registrant, both to the New Registrant and the Current Registrant, within one (1) working day from the date of completion of the Change of Registrant procedure, specifying the domains subject to the Change of Registrant request and a contact address for possible clarifications.
  4. Pre-order of gTLD Domain Names
    We cannot guarantee pre-registration rights will be assigned until the registration process is complete. In the event that the application is not successful, we will refund the pre- registration fee to applicant. Should a non-refundable Registry application fee be applicable, this will be clearly stated at point of purchase.
  5. Charges and Payment
    1. The disbursements and our charges represent the initial costs for the registration of a Domain Name and you acknowledge that continued use of a Domain Name may expose you to additional charges payable to the local Domain Name Registry/Registrar, for example on renewal. You are liable for any such charges. The charges and disbursements charged to you will remain fixed for the initial term of the Contract (such as twelve (12) months or twenty- four (24) months as applicable or notified to you). You will be given at least four (4) weeks' notice of changes for the renewal term.
  6. Duration and Renewal
    1. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that all of your registered Domain Names are renewed prior to their expiration dates. Once the Domain Name expires, all associated services will be deactivated (hosting, email etc.) and it will be removed from your account. You can still contact us to confirm after this point whether the domain name is available to renew. You accept and recognise that once a Domain Name expires, you lose all rights on it.
      1. gTLDs renewed after the expiration date that have entered into the renewal status RGP are subject to additional fees from the Registry. The status of your Domain Name can be checked by doing a WHOIS lookup. You accept that we may place the domain name under the RGP status shortly after the Expiration Period. In such cases, you will have the possibility to renew the Domain Name by paying all the applicable fees and any past-due renewal fees. If the Domain Name is not renewed by you during the RGP, the Domain Name will be deleted at the Registry and can be registered by anyone;
      2. During the expiration period we may publish courtesy pages containing advertisements on your Domain Name. You accept and recognise that you will not be provided with any kind of remuneration in relation with the courtesy pages.
    2. A Domain Name, once registered, will fall due for renewal at the date specified by the Registry, this may not be in line with the initial registration date. It is your responsibility to monitor the renewal dates of your Domain Names and ensure we receive payment by the date it is due. You may advise us through one of our representatives or via your Online Control Panel that you do not wish us to send you reminders of renewal dates in which case we shall have no liability to you if you fail to renew.
    3. Unless you have notified us that you do not wish us to send you reminders of renewal date our sole obligation in relation to the renewal of Domain Names is to issue one reminder to you at your last notified email address about the renewal date of the relevant Domain Name. This obligation will lapse if your registration of the domain name lapses or terminates for any reason. We will not be liable in respect of the non-renewal of a Domain Name if, having sent you a renewal notice, we do not receive notice of renewal and the applicable payment, or if you fail to notify us of a change of contact details.
    4. At the end of the expiration period, you formally accept that we reserve the right, at our own discretion, to either:
      1. Transfer the property of the expired domain to its own name or to the name of any of our group companies and to renew the domain to its own name. You hereby accept that we or a company in our Group will then become the Registrant of such domain name and have all the corresponding rights. Only in that case, will you have the possibility to get the domain name back up to ninety (90) days after the expiry date of the domain name, by paying all the applicable fees. We will then transfer the property of the domain back to you. After the end of the ninety (90) day period, if you don't exercise the rights under this provision, you will be deemed to have abandoned the Domain Name services, and to relinquish all interests and use of the Domain Name services; or
      2. Renew the expired domain name at our costs, keeping the Registrant data unchanged, and following your express approval. In such case, all the Services associated to the Domain Name will be deactivated (Hosting, Email etc.) and a courtesy page containing advertisements will appear. You accept and recognise that you will not be provided any kind of remuneration in relation with the courtesy pages. You will remain the registrant of the Domain Name, and you will be able to get the Domain Name back and recreate the associated services by ordering the Domain Name and the services at the price and under the contractual conditions applicable at the time of your orders; or
      3. To delete the domain at the Registry. In such cases, the domain will be released and can be registered by anyone. We decline any and all liability in case the domain name is registered by any third-party. You remain solely responsible for the non-renewal of the domain name before the expiry date and for any consequences that may arise.
    5. You formally accept that it is our exclusive decision to opt for one or another of the options listed above. You have no right whatsoever on such options and waives any right of contestation or claim in that respect.
      1. For ccTLDs, the domain name expiration process will follow the relevant Registry regulations and processes. You accept and recognise that once a ccTLD expires, you lose all rights on the Domain Name.
  7. Third Party Terms
    1. Due to the nature of Domain Names, various third parties such as Registries and governing bodies such as ICANN may impose their own terms and conditions. The directory of where to find the applicable Registry rules and regulations governing the domain name you have purchased is available online here:
    2. You acknowledge that you may also be bound by additional third party terms depending on the type of domain registration you have ordered. All relevant third party terms in relation to the registration of your Domain Name form part of this Schedule, you agree to be bound by them as well as these terms included herein. In the event that this Agreement, or Schedule is inconsistent with any provision of the third party terms, the third party terms will prevail.
  8. Indemnity
    1. You will indemnify us against all costs, claims, damages and losses incurred by us as a result of:
      1. any claims that any of the Domain Names infringe the intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party;
      2. any errors in any information provided by you in relation to any Domain Name transfers or registrations; and
      3. any act or omission by us in reliance on any information provided by you.
  9. Limitation of Liability
    1. We, and our affiliates and service providers, shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages arising from your use of, inability to use, or reliance upon a Domain Name. These exclusions apply to any claims for lost profits, lost data, loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any other commercial damages or losses, even if we, or our affiliates and services providers, knew or should have known of the possibility of such damages. Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or the limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such jurisdictions the Registrys’ liability, and the liability of the Registrys’ affiliates and service providers, shall be limited. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions which set out our liability to you.
  10. Disputes
    1. If we become aware of any dispute with any other person or business or organisation regarding any of your Domain Name(s), we may, at our sole discretion, and without notice or liability to you, cease any further use or service of such Domain Names including, without limitation, deleting or suspending them from our computer systems, and/or making appropriate representations or providing information to any relevant authority or interested party.
    2. For disputes over the rights to domains, a worldwide Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) and Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS) has been developed by ICANN and adopted by all accredited Registrars. All domains subject to this Schedule are governed by this UDRP and URS. You hereby agree that all disputes on the rights to such domains, especially arising out of trademarks, names or other intellectual property rights, shall be governed by the UDRP which can be found at and URS which can be found at
    3. ICANN reserves the right to modify the UDRP and URS at any time. We as contracted party shall implement any such revision speedily and these will become binding upon you. Any revised version will be posted at:
    4. ccTLD Registries may not use the UDRP or URS process to resolve domain disputes as they may have developed their own processes. The directory of where to find the applicable Registry dispute resolution rules and regulations governing the Domain Name you have purchased is available online here:
  11. Interpretation
    1. If there is any conflict between our Terms and Conditions and the terms and conditions of the Registry/Registrar, the terms and conditions of the Registry/Registrar will take precedence.
  12. Malware Scans
    1. "Malware" means any programming (code, scripts, active content, or other computer instruction or set of computer instructions) designed, or is intended, to (i) block access to, prevent the use or accessibility of, or alter, destroy or inhibit the use of, a computer, computer program, computer operations, computer services or computer network, by authorised users; (ii) adversely affect, interrupt or disable the operation, security, or integrity of a computer, computer program, computer operations, computer services or computer network; (iii) falsely purport to perform a useful function but which actually perform a destructive or harmful function or perform no useful function but consume significant computer, telecommunications or memory resources; (iv) gain unauthorised access to or use of a computer, computer program, computer operations, computer services or computer network; (v) alter, damage, destroy, monitor, collect or transmit information within a computer, computer program, computer operations, computer services or computer network without the authorisation of the owner of the information; (vi) usurp the normal operation of a computer, computer program, computer operations, computer services or computer network; or (vii) other abusive behaviour. Malware includes, without limitation, various forms of crimeware, dialers, disabling devices, dishonest adware, hijackware, scareware, slag code (logic bombs), rootkits, spyware, Trojan horses, viruses, web bugs, and worms.
    2. Registrants and Customers hereby formally agree to the following:
      1. Permit in its unlimited and sole discretion, scans or other views of websites for the purpose of detecting Malware or as necessary to protect the integrity, security or stability of the systems ("Malware Scans");
      2. Permit in its unlimited and sole discretion, scans or other views of websites for the purpose of detecting Malware or as necessary to protect the integrity, security or stability of the systems ("Malware Scans"); Ensure all communications with us, the Registry, any other Registry operated under an agreement with ICANN, or any ICANN-accredited registrar and all software, systems, or hardware used, shall be free of Malware. In the event any such Malware is introduced, Registrants and Customers will employ all necessary measures to eradicate the Malware and reduce the effects of the Malware at Registrant's / Customer's sole cost and expense, the Registrant and Customer recognise and accept that we reserve the right to take all necessary action to eradicate the Malware;
      3. Hereby grant the Registry all necessary licenses and consents and obtain such licenses and consents from all holders of rights in all websites, to permit the Registry or its agent(s) to (a) perform, in Registry's unlimited and sole discretion, Malware Scans; (b) collect, store, and process data gathered as a result of such Malware Scans; (c) disclose the results of such Malware Scan (including all data therefrom) to the Registrar or its agents or designees; and (d) use the results of such Malware Scan (including all data therefrom) in connection with protecting the integrity, security or stability of the Registry systems and the Registry; and
      4. Agree that the results of any Malware Scan identifying Malware or potential Malware shall not be deemed to be confidential or proprietary information of Registrar, Registrant, Customer or other rights-holder.
    3. We disclaim any and all warranties, representations or covenants that such Malware Scan will detect any and all Malware or that we are responsible for notifying the Registrar, you or any other person or entity of any Malware or cleaning any Malware from any systems. Registrants and Customers shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Registry and its affiliates, suppliers, vendors and subcontractors, and ccTLD Registry operators providing services with respect to the Domain Name, and their respective employees, directors, officers, representatives, agents and assigns ("Registry Affected Parties") from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees and expenses, arising out of or relating to, for any reason whatsoever, any Malware Scan, the failure to conduct a Malware Scan, the failure to detect any Malware, or the use of any data from Malware Scans. Registrant and Customer will not enter into any settlement or compromise of any such indemnifiable claim without the Registry Affected Party's prior written consent.
  13. Domain Privacy Service
    This Domain Privacy Service is offered as an optional and supplemental service for individual registrations of Domain Names and is available for new and existing Domain Names. You shall retain full control and ownership over and remain the legally responsible owner of the Domain Name. You will also retain full liability for the registration and use of the Domain Name and agree to release, defend, fully indemnify and hold harmless the Domain Privacy Service Provider, its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, agents, directors, officers and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages or costs, arising out of or related in any way to the Domain Privacy Service provided and your use of your Domain Name registration. You also agree to continue to be bound by the relevant TLD Registry policies for the Domain Name owned by you.
    The following terms and conditions will apply if you subscribe to the Domain Privacy Service:
    1. The Domain Privacy Service
      1. When you subscribe a Domain Name to our Privacy Service you designate that we will thereafter be shown as the Registrant of the Domain Name for the purposes of the WHOIS Directory where such details are accessible by the public.
      2. Subject to Clause 13.d, for each Domain Name you subscribe to the Privacy Service, we shall keep your name, postal address, email address, phone and fax numbers confidential.
      3. When you subscribe to the Privacy Service, the following information will be publicly available in the WHOIS Directory for the Domain Name: Our name, postal address, email, telephone number and fax number (where applicable);
    2. You will retain the full benefits of the Domain Name and may cancel the Privacy Service for each Domain Name at any time. Your details may show in the WHOIS.
    3. Your Obligations
      You agree and acknowledge that in relation to each Domain Name you subscribe to the Privacy Service:
      1. You will provide and update accurate and current contact details at all times of: the email address, postal address, phone and fax numbers for the Domain Name(s);
      2. You will respond within five (5) days to any inquiries made by us to determine the validity of any information provided to us by you; and respond promptly within seven (7) days to correspondence we receive that is either addressed to or involves a Domain Name.
    4. Suspension and Termination of Privacy Service
      You acknowledge and agree that we have the absolute right, in our sole discretion and without any liability to you whatsoever, to suspend or cancel the Privacy Service for each subscribed Domain Name, which may result in all your applicable information then showing in the WHOIS, in certain circumstances, including but not limited to the following:
      1. when required by law, governmental rules or requirements, governmental authorities or a court order; or
      2. when we believe in good faith that such action is required by law; or
      3. in compliance with a legal process served upon us; or
      4. n order to comply with ICANN and/or applicable Registry rules, policies or procedures; or
      5. to resolve any and all third party claims, whether threatened or made, arising out of your use of a Domain Name; or
      6. if we believe that you are using the Privacy Service to conceal involvement in illegal, illicit, morally objectionable or harmful activities; or
      7. to protect the integrity and stability of the applicable Domain Name Registry; or
      8. to comply with any Dispute Resolution Policy; or
      9. to avoid any financial loss or legal liability (civil or criminal) on the part of us, our parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, agents, officers, directors and employees; or
      10. if the Domain Name we register on your behalf violates or infringes a third party’s trademark, trade name or other legal rights.
      11. You further acknowledge and agree that in the event that we receive a formal complaint, notice of claim in relation to legal proceedings or in relation to a Dispute Resolution Policy, the subject matter of which is a Domain Name or which relates to your use of the Services, we have the right to suspend the Privacy Service and your identity will be revealed as Registrant until and subject to the resolution of such matter.
    5. Refund in Event of Cancellation
      1. We will not provide a refund in the event that we exercise any of our rights set out in Clause 13.d or you elect to cancel our Privacy Service for any reason.
    6. Communications Forwarding
      You agree and acknowledge that:
      1. We will forward to you communications relevant to any or all of the circumstances set out in this Clause 13 addressed to your Domain Name that are received by us by email, postal mail or fax.
      2. The importance of clause 13.c, in allowing us to fulfil our obligations to you in this clause.
      3. Subject to clause ii above, we will not forward to you any other communications (whether delivered through email, postal mail or fax) and you further authorise us to either discard all such communications or return all such communications to sender unopened.
      4. You agree to waive any and all claims arising from your failure to receive communications directed to your Domain Name but not forwarded to you by us.
      5. We reserve the right to pass on to you the reasonable costs we may incur for administrative tasks outside of the scope of our Privacy Service. Such tasks include, but are not limited to, customer service issues that cannot be handled by email and disputes requiring legal services.


Terms and Conditions for the provision of Email Services and WebMail Services.

  1. Mailbox
    1. Each mailbox has a storage quota. This may be by reference to the number of emails held, the size of attachments, or other methods we may specify. This is in place to protect your account and other accounts from potentially large volumes of email sent to a single address that could materially affect the email system server. Additional storage can be purchased through your Online Control Panel. It is your responsibility to ensure that your mailbox does not reach its allocated level. We will not be liable for any email lost due to full mailboxes. You can check your mailbox capacity from your Online Control Panel.
    2. We may occasionally need to change these limits either for operational reasons, or because we reasonably believe you have not been using the services in accordance with our Acceptable Use Policy. If we do so, we will endeavour to give you twenty-one (21) days advance notice of the new limits by email and after that notice expires we may refuse to accept material and/or remove materials which exceed the relevant limits. Your emails will be stored on our clustered mail services until they are removed from our server.
    3. In the event that you exceed your quota then we reserve the right, by written notice to request that you upgrade to an Email or Web Hosting product with a high quota or, where the maximum quota allowable has been reached, to delete the content in excess of the quota. You are required to manage and effectively remedy any issues with your email through the Online Control Panel within seven (7) working days of our written request.
    4. We reserve the right to suspend your services if the request made in Clause 1(c) above is not actioned. We will charge you for un-suspending your services should you go over your mailbox quota.
    5. It is your responsibility to keep your password confidential and to change the password on a regular basis. We will not be liable for any data losses or security issues due to stolen or insecure passwords.
  2. Service availability
    1. We monitor the mail platform as a whole but do not monitor individual mailboxes. The server uses SMTP (“Simple Mail Transfer Protocol”), a "store and forward" email protocol, to receive incoming and deliver outbound messages. By default, the mail platform attempts to deliver messages on a regular basis. If delivery is not achieved within twelve (12) hours, a delay notification is emailed to the sender. If delivery is not achieved within four (4) days, the message is returned to the sender.
    2. We may limit or deny access to the services and our Email and Web Hosting systems in the event that, in our sole judgement, such action is required to prevent damage to our or our third party provider’s networks (including but not limited to software and stored date) or to ensure the integrity or security of the network.
  3. Storage Capacity
    1. Each account is allotted an aggregated storage capacity initially equal to the total storage capacity of all the mailboxes of that account.
  4. Security
    1. We try to ensure mailbox security and integrity of data at all times. However, despite our efforts, problems may occasionally arise. Where a problem does arise with a specific mailbox, it is your responsibility to inform us of this via your Online Control Panel or by contacting our Customer Care team. We will use reasonable efforts to resolve the problem. However, we do not guarantee that we can restore any lost or corrupted data and we will have no liability for the loss or corruption of any data. It is your responsibility to ensure that you back up your data as necessary for you.
    2. We provide anti-virus and anti-spam services for incoming email. This service can be enabled and configured via the Online Control Panel. While we do our best to remove all viruses and spam, we cannot guarantee that we will catch them all nor that no virus will reach your computer. We also cannot guarantee that non-spam messages will never be marked as spam.
  5. Ownership of data and indemnity
    1. All data created or stored by you within our applications and servers is your property.
    2. We will allow access to such data only by our authorised personnel.
    3. You will indemnify us and keep us indemnified against any claim, loss or damage in respect of any web server content, email content or any other data contained within your server space or within applications on our servers.
  6. Use of email account
    1. If we identify a mailbox or Domain Name that is transmitting illegal, offensive, abusive, derogatory, defamatory, obscene or infected content, or for the purposes of sending bulk or unsolicited emails, or being used contrary to our Acceptable Use Policy, or otherwise causing problems, we will either remove the offending mailboxes or change their settings to resolve the issue. In certain cases we will, at our discretion, disable email or suspend all services to the domain as appropriate.
  7. Use of free email accounts offered with the registration package of certain domains
    1. By activating the free email account, if offered, with the domain registration package, you confirm and accept that the contents of the POP3 mailbox provided as part of this free email account shall be your property and at all times your sole responsibility (including, but not limited to, taking appropriate technical and security measures, running virus software and making backups to protect such contents) in accordance with this Schedule.
    2. Following the expiration of, or the transfer away from us, of the domain associated with this free email account (or following the termination of any agreement we have with you in relation to it), we reserve the right to: (i) immediately delete the contents of any mailbox; and (ii) withdraw any additional products, associated with this domain.
  8. Termination
    1. On termination for any reason, we will cease providing the services and your mailboxes will be deleted.
    2. If the termination is during the minimum term you will be liable to pay us the charges that would have arisen from the date of termination till the expiry of the minimum term.
  9. Remedies and Limitations
    1. Our total liability in relation to the Email and Web Hosting services whether, in respect of any breach of this Schedule, negligence, any act or omission on our part, whether intentional or otherwise, shall be limited to the total fees paid by you to us in the twelve (12) months preceding the event giving rise to liability for the Email and Web Hosting services.
    2. We accept no responsibility for any delay, lack of connection, slow connection, loss of data, loss of usability, or any similar or related issues due to, but not limited to any of the following: (i) the active or passive negligence, of us, you or any third party; (ii) downtime due to scheduled or emergency maintenance; (iii) an upgrade, downgrade or alteration to the services; (iv) any hard failure (including issues caused by other users on the hardware); (v) your systems incompatibility with the services; or (vi) your error.


Terms and Conditions for the provision of Web Hosting services

  1. Services
    1. We aim to set up Website Hosting within twenty (20) minutes of receiving your order and will send you an email to advise you of your user name, password and other information to the email address supplied at the time of order.
    2. You acknowledge that unless otherwise agreed in writing with us, any set up time ("delivery date") we give to you is a guideline only and we do not guarantee that it will be met.
    3. If you reasonably believe that the service delivered to you on the actual delivery date does not meet the specifications, you must notify us of this within ten (10) working days of the delivery, and we will then use all reasonable endeavours to resolve the issue within ten (10) working days. "Working Day" shall mean a day falling on a Monday to Friday which is not a bank or public holiday.
    4. If you do not notify us of any failure within ten (10) Working Days of delivery or, where we have carried out remedial work pursuant to this Schedule C, within ten (10) Working Days of us completing that remedial work (as notified to you by us), you will be deemed to have accepted the service as delivered.
    5. We reserve the right to amend the service, at any time, provided that this amendment does not materially detrimentally affect the service.
    6. We may occasionally impose limits on your storage space or data activity if we impose any limits, we will give you twenty-four (24) hours advance notice of any limits by email.
    7. You hereby acknowledge that you will never physically access the servers and platforms and you will not be provided with any equipment or device.
    8. Where your Web Hosting service also contains email services, please refer to Schedule B. If there is a conflict between this Schedule C and Schedule B, this Schedule C will apply.
  2. Charges
    1. You are responsible for ensuring that your bandwidth does not exceed the allowances set as part of your package/service.
    2. If your bandwidth either exceeds the allowance set as part of your package/service or reaches the point where it has an adverse effect on other customers we reserve the right to:
      1. Disable your site, without prior notice, until you can reduce your bandwidth usage; or
      2. Charge you for excess bandwidth usage, over and above your package allowance, as published by us from time to time.
  3. Storage Capacity
    1. Each package/service is allotted an aggregated storage capacity initially equal to the total storage capacity of all the mailboxes of that account and website files.
    2. You hereby accept that the sole purpose of the Web Hosting service is the hosting of website files on our servers and platforms. You acknowledge that it is strictly forbidden to use the storage capacity allotted for any other purpose, such as, but not limited to, for the storage, backup, or archive of electronic files, documents, log files etc. We reserve the right to suspend the services and/or to cancel the Contract in such case.
    3. Whilst with some Web Hosting services we offer unlimited storage and we do not limit the amount of storage your site can use, this still needs to comply with Acceptable Use Policy. Should your storage usage present a risk to the stability, performance or uplift of our servers or have an adverse effect on other customers we will notify you via email and you may be required to upgrade to a Virtual Private Server or Dedicated Server or we may restrict the resources your website is using.
  4. Security
    1. We try to ensure server security and integrity of data at all times. However, despite our efforts, issues may occasionally arise which are beyond our reasonable control. Where an issue does arise with a specific service, we will use all reasonable efforts to resolve the problem. However, we do not guarantee that we can restore any lost or corrupted data and we will have no liability for the loss or corruption of any data. It is your responsibility to ensure that you back up your data as necessary for you.
    2. We scan all files on upload via FTP. While we do our best to block infected files, we cannot guarantee that we will prevent all infected files from being uploaded. We cannot be held liable for any virus infections caused by visits to your site.
  5. Your obligations
    1. You must notify us if you become aware of any unauthorised use of all or any part of the Website Hosting.
    2. You will maintain and keep confidential all user names and passwords and not disclose them to any unauthorised party. If you have any reason to believe that any such confidential information has become known to an unauthorised party, you should inform us immediately by contacting our Customer Care team.
    3. You undertake to allow us access at all reasonable times to perform maintenance or other actions necessary to ensure continued access to the Internet.
    4. You will be liable for all activities or charges and associated costs resulting from use of the service whether or not authorised by you and you acknowledge that we will not be liable for any loss of data or confidential information or other damage arising from such use.
    5. You represent that you have sufficient technical knowledge to enable you to make use of the service. You also represent that you know the nature of shared hosting and notably that the servers and platforms are shared with other customers.
    6. Failure to comply with any of your obligations as set forth herein or any use of the Web Hosting services for illegal purposes or if the use of the services by you or by any party harms or affects the servers, platforms, quality of service or networks of Register365, other customers or third parties, we reserve the right to suspend the services, even without prior notification, and possibly cancel the Contract. You remain solely responsible for the suspension and/or the cancellation of the services and for any direct and indirect consequences that may arise. You formally accept that no refund, voucher, or any other type of compensation will be issued in case of suspension and/or cancellation.
  6. Liability
    1. You acknowledge that you have sole responsibility and liability for the design and maintenance of the website and for ensuring that it does not infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any third party and is not illegal. You are responsible for securing your website and for making sure your files, scripts and any other elements are up-to-date, safe and secure at all times.
    2. You acknowledge that we have no control over any content placed on your website (either by yourself or by website visitors) and that we do not purport to monitor your website content or software. Without prejudice to our rights of termination in the Terms and Conditions, we retain the right without liability of any kind, but shall not under any circumstances be obliged, to immediately and without prior notice to you, remove content or software from your website, or suspend the service, where we become aware or reasonably suspect that such content or software constitutes illegal (including defamatory) material, infringes the intellectual property, or other rights, of any third party, or is in breach of our Acceptable Use Policy.
    3. We do not guarantee the proper delivery of any email message or other data once it has left the confines of our network, and similarly we do not guarantee that data traffic will be delivered or that its contents will be held secure once it passes out of our control.
    4. Where we supply third party equipment, software or applications, our responsibilities are limited to the level of warranty provided by the third party.


Terms and conditions relating to our SiteMaker Service ("the Service")

The Service is provided by a third party company, SiteMaker Software Limited, and branded by us as “SiteMaker”.

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Brand Features" means all trademarks, service marks, logos and other distinctive brand features.
    2. "Links" means button pointer graphic text (including our Brand Features) incorporated within your site, which permit users to navigate directly to our site.
    3. "Product" means any item offered for sale through our site.
    4. "Site" means either your World Wide Web site or one belonging to us.
    5. "User" means a visitor referred to our Site through the Links on your Site.
  2. Service
    1. First Line Technical Support for the Service is provided by Register365.
    2. The Service is not available to customers with a Web Hosting service on their domain.
  3. Activation of Service
    1. In order to activate the Service, you need to login to your Online Control Panel with us and follow the instructions supplied under SiteMaker.
  4. Charges
    1. We require payment in advance for the purchase and renewal of the Service.
  5. Termination
    1. The Service may be terminated by you at any time on giving thirty (30) days written notice to us, or will be deemed to have been terminated by you through non-payment of the renewal due on the expiry date of the Service. Please note that should you terminate the Service your Site(s) and all its contents will be deleted. Please note that deleting your Site(s) does not terminate your Contract, you need to explicitly cancel the subscription in writing.
    2. Neither us nor SiteMaker can take any responsibility for additional funds charged to you unless you explicitly terminate your subscription and receive confirmation that this has taken place.
    3. We shall be entitled to terminate the Service immediately on serving written notice if:
      1. Our third party provider is unable to provide the Service or becomes bankrupt or has a receiver or administrator appointed over all or any part of their assets
      2. It becomes unlawful for us to provide the Service
    4. Please refer to our Refund Policy.


Terms and conditions relating to our Ecommerce Service ("the Service")

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Service": means the provision of the Ecommerce Solution by Register365 to the client
    2. "Ecommerce Solution": means the Web Hosting service offered by Register365 allowing the Client to publish and create an online shop without advanced technical knowledge using the editor's Software
    3. "Editor": means ePages, owner of the Software used to provide the Ecommerce Solution
    4. "Software": means the program owned by the Editor and delivered by Register365 in the Ecommerce Solution
  2. Description of the Ecommerce Service
    1. We offer you several types of Ecommerce solutions allowing you to publish and edit an online shop using the Software edited by the Editor.
    2. You recognise that you acquire only a non-exclusive and non-transferrable licence to use the Ecommerce Software, valid only for the duration you have subscribed to.
    3. You officially agree to comply with the terms and conditions of use of the licence established by the Editor accessible at the following URL
    4. You commit not to infringe or violate the Editor's rights on the Software in any way, in particular, you commit not to copy, modify, adapt, redistribute, decompile, create derivative works, disassemble, etc. the Ecommerce Software in any way.
    5. You accept that the Ecommerce Software is not modifiable. The Editor has the exclusive right to modify the code of the Software. You accept that the Software is delivered "as is" without any warranty of any kind including, but not limited to, fitness to a particular purpose, absence of bug, etc. You accept the software is configurable and manageable only to the extent permitted by the Editor. You therefore waive all recourse against Register365, its agents, employees, contractors, affiliates and group companies on these aspects.
  3. Responsibilities of the Client
    1. You are solely responsible for the management and the configuration of your online shop. Such management and configuration will have to be done via the Online Control Panel associated to the online shop only. We assume no liability of any kind in that respect, for instance, in case of accidental deletion of the online shop by you. You acknowledge that we shall not manage the shop or the data on your behalf and will not assume any related costs.
    2. You will be able to insert certain types of computer code such as HTML, CSS, Flash animations etc. on the online shop, in the limits authorised and compatible with the Ecommerce Software, under your exclusive responsibility and at your own expense. You remain solely responsible for any kind of malfunction, problem, bug etc. with the online shop arising from, out of or in connection with the insertion of the code.
    3. You are informed that we shall not save or backup the shops and the related data. You therefore commit to constantly backup your data (products, prices, pictures etc.) under your own responsibility and at your own expense and must be ready to republish and reconfigure the online shop at all times.
    4. You will be able to upgrade or downgrade your Ecommerce Solution under the applicable technical and financial conditions at the moment such change is ordered. You are informed that you will have to save all your data prior to completing a downgrade as such operation will lead to the complete and permanent destruction of the online shop. After the downgrade is completed, you will have to republish and reconfigure the online shop entirely. You shall therefore contact us regarding the upgrade and downgrade consequences and conditions prior to changing your Ecommerce Solution. You remain solely responsible for all the consequences of such upgrade or downgrade.
    5. You commit and agree to comply with all legal and or statutory formality, obligations and declarations etc., required for the exploitation and publication of the online shop, under your own responsibility and at your own expense. You assume no liability of any kind for any of these obligations and formalities.
    6. You formally commit and agree not to use the Service for any kind of illegal purpose and commits to respect all applicable regulations, norms and laws.
    7. Shall the use of the Service deteriorate the Internet and/or the servers and/or platforms and/or the networks of Register365, our customers or third parties, we reserve the right to suspend the Service, without prior notification, and cancel the Contract if this is deemed necessary. You remain solely responsible for the suspension of the Service and the cancellation of the Contract and all direct and indirect consequences. You formally accept and agree that no refund, no voucher and no compensation shall be issued in these circumstances.
    8. In case you fail to comply with any of the Clauses in this Schedule, we shall have the right to cancel the Contract immediately, without prejudice to our right to full payment of the consideration and right to take any action for full indemnification of the damages that we might have incurred.
    9. In no event shall we accept liability for any claim, damages or other liability arising from, out of or in connection with the use of the Service.
    10. You shall indemnify us and hold harmless Register365 and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) arising out of or related to use of the Service.
  4. Maintenance of the Service
    1. We shall undertake our best efforts to keep the technical platform hosting the online shops operational. You are informed that we may run maintenance operations on the platform when required; you acknowledge that such operations might lead to the momentary unavailability of the online shops. We shall undertake our best efforts to warn you in advance via the Online Control Panel.
    2. You remain solely responsible for any kind of malfunction, bug, incompatibility or any other problem on the online shop due to or in connection with the program code inserted by you on the shop that could occur after the maintenance operations. You are solely responsible to fix such bugs or technical problems at your own expense.
    3. You are informed that the potential technical problems on the Ecommerce Software which are discovered shall be escalated by us to the Editor. You accept that the Editor will undertake its best efforts to fix the problem in a variable period of time that may take several months, depending notably on the complexity of the issue at stake. You therefore waive all recourse against our employees, agents contractors, affiliates and group companies in that respect.
  5. Term
    1. The Service is valid for the duration that you have subscribed to. At the expiry date, the online shop will automatically be cancelled and all data will be deleted. You shall therefore renew and pay for the Service before the expiry date. We assume no liability whatsoever for any loss or damages, such as, but not limited to, loss of data, loss of profit, loss of business etc., arising from or in connection with the non-renewal of the Service in due time.
  6. Consideration and Payment
    1. Payment procedures and fees due for the Service are indicated on our website and/or in the Online Control Panel and/or by email. You commit to comply with the payment conditions and shall pay us the required fees. The Service will be activated only when the payment is received by us.


Dedicated, Virtual, IP Transit, Storage and Cloud Server Terms and conditions:

Important, please read - Paying for services means you establish a Contract between us and that you agree to the terms set out below which govern that Contract.

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Agreed Service Level" means the levels of performance and service to be provided by Register365 to the customer;
    2. "Equipment" means all customer equipment installed in the Premises;
    3. "Hardware" means the equipment, cabling and systems provided by Register365 in connection with the Services;
    4. "Order Confirmation" means the email sent to the customer’s email address provided at the time of taking out the Services and which details the Services the customer has purchased;
    5. "Party/Parties" means Register365 and the customer collectively;
    6. "Premises" means our Reading Data Centre;
    7. "Services" means the internet related services which are supplied by Register365 on and subject to the Terms in these Conditions;
    8. "Services Disruption" means any disruption in the Services which causes a failure to meet the Service Level Agreement as a result of any failure of the Hardware, Software or Register365 personnel who provide the Services and which does not result from any breach by the customer of these Conditions, and or a Force Majeure Event;
    9. "Software" means all the computer software programs provided by Register365 in connection with the Services;
    10. "Contract" means a Contract for the provision of the Services made between Register365 and the customer;
    11. "Notified Maintenance" means essential maintenance to be carried out by Register365 in relation to the Services, Hardware and/or Software, which has been notified to the customer at least three (3) days prior to its commencement;
    12. "IPRs" means any and all intellectual property rights including without limit any and all patents, design rights, database rights, copyright, know-how, moral rights, trade secrets, confidential information, trademarks, service marks, trade names and goodwill;
    13. "User" means any individuals and businesses who access the Internet web site(s) hosted on the Hardware in connection with the Services;
    14. "Working Day" means any day which is not a Saturday, a Sunday or a bank or public holiday in England;
    15. "SLA" means the Service Level Agreement specifying the standard service level that we aim to deliver to you in respect of each Service as specified in our Agreement;
    16. "Servers" means managed and unmanaged Dedicated and Virtual Servers and Cloud Based servers.
  2. Provision of information – your obligations
    1. You agree with us to:
      1. provide certain true, current, complete and accurate information about you as required by the application process; and
      2. Maintain and update the information you provide to us from the date you enter into a Contract with us.
    2. We rely on this information to send you important information and notices regarding your account and our Services.
    3. You must ensure that all information submitted is correct as we may not be able to rectify errors.
    4. On an ongoing basis you will maintain accurate contact information in the Online Control Panel. We shall not accept liability for any loss resulting from inaccurate contact information.
  3. The Services
    1. We agree to provide our Services to you, for the exclusive use, excepting maintenance of the hardware, at the price agreed upon in the agreement. You represent and warrant that you have or have access to the knowledge and expertise necessary to configure, maintain, monitor, secure and use the Services.
    2. We may need to change the Services as a result of legislative, regulatory or other changes requiring us to do so. We will endeavour to provide you with not less than twenty-one (21) days’ notice in advance of such alteration taking effect, but shall not guarantee that we will always do so.
    3. We may also need to temporarily suspend the Services without notice in order to repair, maintain, replace or improve the Services or our network, or in an emergency. If we need to do this, we will try to keep you informed and will try to keep interruptions to a minimum, but we cannot always guarantee to do so.
    4. Unless otherwise indicated the Services do not include back up of your data. You are responsible for the back-up of your own files and data, for your own internal network and all equipment that is connected to the Internet. In particular, it is your responsibility to ensure that your firewalls and anti-virus protection are kept up-to-date and are sufficient for your needs.
  4. Administrative Access
    1. Administrative access to the Services is limited to you and your authorised agents. As a general rule, we have no access to the contents of your server. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to require, at our discretion, software and/or hardware upgrades for the purposes of maintaining security and stability of the Services provided and may require the installation of such upgrades. Standard fees for such upgrades shall be set by us from time to time.
  5. Bandwidth Charges
    1. There shall be no charge for monthly aggregate or daily average network transfer within the allowance of the Services purchased, depending on the terms agreed upon at purchase, as measured during any thirty (30) day period. Monthly aggregate or daily average network traffic in excess of any pre-arranged allowance shall incur an additional fee set at our sole discretion. Payment of this fee will be required in order to maintain service. Network traffic shall be measured by us and may include all forms of traffic to and from the server. All fees shall be set and adjusted by us from time to time and published on our website.
  6. Your Obligations
    1. We shall report, if appropriate, misuse or abuse of the Service by you to any regulatory authority or, in the case of criminal matters, the police.
    2. You agree not to use the Services, Hardware and or Software to do any of the following and it is expressly agreed between us and you that if there is any breach of this Clause 6 we may, without further notice to you and without obligation to pay compensation apply service credits or refund any monies, suspend, restrict or terminate your Services if you:
      1. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene (illegal pornography), libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. Please note that Internet Relay Chat (IRC) services may not be run on our network. Contact us for clarification where needed;
      2. Harm minors in any way;
      3. Impersonate any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;
      4. Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content or third party content transmitted via the Services;
      5. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any third party content that you do not have a right to transmit under law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships;
      6. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any third party content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
      7. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas of the Services that are designated for such purpose;
      8. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any third party content that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
      9. Use any of our servers or our Service to carry out, or assist in the carrying out of any “Denial of Service” (DoS) or “Distributed Denial of Service” (DDoS) attacks on any other website or internet service.
      10. Promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, promote physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promote any act of cruelty to animals; or
      11. Do anything that in the opinion of us is likely to bring the Service into disrepute.
  7. Charges and Payment Methods
    1. You shall pay the price for the Services as detailed in the Order Confirmation.
    2. The price covers permitted bandwidth (agreed connection rate) as stated in the Order Confirmation. If you exceed the limits set out in the Order Confirmation, then we reserve the right to make additional charges for all usage above the permitted bandwidth at our then prevailing charge rate as published. We will endeavour to notify you when your bandwidth use exceeds the limits agreed, however it is your responsibility to monitor the bandwidth being used from time to time using the Online Control Panel.
    3. All prices quoted to you for the provision of Services by us are exclusive of any VAT for which you may be additionally liable at the applicable rate.
    4. Where the Services are purchased with a set-up fee, this fee is payable immediately.
    5. The price and all other amounts due as confirmed on the Order Confirmation shall be paid by you by the due date and in the currency as specified in our proforma invoice. Payment shall be made in full without any abatement, set off or deduction on any grounds.
    6. Payment terms for all invoices and Services must be received by the due date. Payments are made one month in advance for all Services. If you do not make payment on the due date, we will:
      1. be entitled to charge you interest on the amount owing (both before and after judgment) on the amount unpaid at the rate of 4% per annum above the base rate from time to time of Barclays Bank plc, such interest accruing on a daily basis from the date that payment falls due until the date that payment is made in full, and/or
      2. suspend the Service(s) until payment is made in full, and/or
      3. terminate the Contract in whole or in part and cease providing the Service(s).
    7. If you are persistently late in settling your account (defined as being placed on hold more than three (3) times during your Contract with us), we reserve the right in the event of subsequent late payments to put you on hold twenty four (24) hours after the first reminder of your account being overdue is sent.
    8. We do not offer refunds for servers and Services purchased in advance. Please refer to our website for our Refund Policy.
    9. If your server is attacked (DoS) then we reserve the right to remove your server from our network without notice and without obligation to pay compensation, apply service credits or refund any monies in respect of Service downtime.
    10. Where payment is made by credit/debit card initially, you expressly authorise us to charge recurring billing as appropriate, until you give written notice otherwise to us and the credit/debit card company, or the Services are terminated.
  8. Termination and Cancellation
    1. If you terminate the Contract during the initial subscription period as specified in the Terms and Conditions applicable to the service, or the acknowledgement of order, as the case may be, we may be entitled to charge you a cancellation fee equivalent to the subscription fee for the initial period, less any sums paid by you for that initial period. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for more information on this.
    2. We may, at our sole discretion and without prejudice to any rights have to terminate the Contract, suspend the provision of the Service(s) immediately on sending you written notice if we are entitled to terminate the Contract, or we need to comply with an order, instruction or request of government, an emergency services organisation or other competent administrative or regulatory authority which affects our ability to provide the service, or we reasonably believe you will fail to pay any amount due under the Contract.
    3. You must inform the billing department at least ten (10) working days before your billing date if you intend to cancel.
    4. Failure to cancel in accordance with this Clause 8 will result in your account being charged for one extra month.
  9. Intellectual Property, Licence and Ownership
    1. All Intellectual Property Rights to the Services, hardware and/or software including without limit any Internet Protocol Addresses (IPAs) assigned to the Client are and shall remain our property. We reserve the right to change the IPAs assigned to the client at any time, however we shall endeavour to give reasonable notice of the change and shall use reasonable endeavours to reduce disruption to the Client resulting from such changes.
    2. Title to the Hardware and Software (both legal and equitable) is and shall at all times remain with us and you shall keep the Software and Hardware free of all charges, liens and encumbrances and protect it from any and all judicial process.
    3. We grant to you a non-exclusive non-transferable licence to use the Software on the Hardware and in conjunction with the Services and except as provided for in these Conditions you are not permitted to sub-licence any rights granted under the Conditions to any third party. You agree that you will not in yourself, or through a third party:
      1. Copy the Software, except as is necessary to install on Hardware and for internal archiving purposes. In the event that you make any copies of the Software, you shall reproduce all proprietary notices on such copies;
      2. Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive source code from the Software;
      3. Sell, lease, licence or sub-licence the Software or associated documentation; or
      4. Write or develop any derivative or other software programs based, in whole or in part, upon the Software or any confidential information.
  10. Limitation of Liability
    1. This Clause 10 sets out our entire financial liability (including any liability for the acts or omissions of our employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors) to you in respect of:
      1. any breach of the Contract;
      2. any use made by you of the Services, or any part of them;
      3. any representation, statement or tortious act or omission (including negligence) arising under or in connection with the Contract.
    2. All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Contract.
    3. Nothing in this Clause 10 limits or excludes our liability:
      1. for death or personal injury resulting from negligence; or
      2. for any damage or liability incurred by you as a result of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us.
  11. Personal Information
    1. You acknowledge and agree that details of your name, address, telephone and fax numbers together with email address(es) and assigned IP addresses may be released to the RIPE NCC to ensure that both we and you fulfil their obligations under prevailing RIPE policies and that such data may be published in whole or in part in the RIPE WHOIS database.
    2. You are responsible for the security and confidentiality of your username and password.
  12. Security
    1. Except with respect to issues concerning the physical security of our data centre facilities, you agree that the security of the server and all Services is solely your responsibility. It is the sole responsibility of you to maintain and update security software on the server. Under no circumstance will we be held liable for security breaches and damage caused by your failure to maintain or update the security software or to maintain adequate security protocols in the administration of the server.
    2. You agree that if the security of your server has been compromised in any way, then you will notify us immediately in writing. You shall be held fully responsible for any misuse or compromise of your server for which we are not properly notified. You agree that if any security contraventions are believed to have occurred in association with your server, we have the right to suspend access to the server pending an investigation and resolution. You also agree that we have the right to cooperate in any government or legal investigation regarding any aspect of our services, including any servers used by you. Any use of our system to engage in software piracy or other contraventions of law will result in service suspension and be immediately reported to the appropriate authorities.
    3. Without special agreement we are not obliged to undertake back-up of data. It is your obligation to back-up any data you wish to retain.
  13. Force Majeure
    1. 'An event of force majeure' means, in relation to either party, an event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of that party including (without limitation) any act of God, inclement weather, failure or shortage of power supplies, flood, drought, lightning or fire, strike, lock-out or trade dispute or labour disturbance, the act or omission of government, highway authorities or any telecommunications carrier, operator or administration or other competent authority, the act or omission of any Internet service provider, war, military operations, act of terrorism or riot, delay or failure in manufacture, production or supply by third parties of equipment or services.
    2. The party suffering the event of force majeure shall not be deemed to be in breach of this agreement or otherwise liable to the other party for any delay in performance or any non-performance of any obligations under this agreement (and the time for performance shall be extended accordingly) if and to the extent that the delay or non-performance is due to an event of force majeure.
    3. If the event of force majeure in question prevails for a continuous period in excess of one (1) month after the date on which it began, the other party may give notice to the party suffering the event of force majeure terminating this agreement. The notice to terminate must specify the termination date, which must be not less than seven (7) clear days after the date on which the notice to terminate is given. Once a notice to terminate has been validly given, this agreement will terminate on the termination date set out in the notice.


Terms and conditions relating to our CloudSite Service ("the Service")

The Service is provided by a third party company, "Basekit Platform Limited" and branded by us as "CloudSite." This Schedule along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us.

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Brand Features" means all trademarks, service marks, logos and other distinctive brand features.
    2. "Links" means button pointer graphic text (including our Brand Features) incorporated within your Site, which permit users to navigate directly to our Site.
    3. "Product" means any item offered for sale through our Site.
    4. "Site" means either your World Wide Web Site or one belonging to us.
    5. "Sub-domain Name" means a name selected to be part of your free fourteen (14) day trial.
    6. "User" means a visitor referred to our Site through the Links on your Site.
  2. Service
    1. First Line Technical Support for the Service is provided by Register365.
    2. The Service is not available to customers with a shared hosting package on their domain.
  3. Websites created and content submitted
    1. By submitting content to BaseKit for the creation of a website in BaseKit, you grant BaseKit a world-wide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish the content within the BaseKit platform. This license exists only for as long as you continue to be a BaseKit customer and shall be terminated at the time your website is terminated.
    2. You acknowledge that BaseKit does not pre-screen content, but that BaseKit shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to refuse or remove any content that is available via the Service. Without limiting the foregoing, BaseKit shall have the right to remove any content that violates their T&Cs or is otherwise objectionable. You agree that you must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of any content, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such content.
  4. Termination
    1. The Service may be terminated by you at any time on giving thirty (30) days written notice to us, or will be deemed to have been terminated by you through non-payment of the renewal due on the expiry date of the Service. Please note that should you terminate the Service your Site(s) and all its contents will be deleted. Please note that deleting your Site(s) does not terminate your Contract, you need to explicitly cancel the subscription in writing.
    2. Neither us nor Basekit can take any responsibility for additional funds charged to you unless you explicitly terminate your subscription and receive confirmation that this has taken place.
    3. We shall be entitled to terminate the Service immediately on serving written notice if:
      1. Our third party provider is unable or unwilling to provide the Service or becomes bankrupt or has a receiver or administrator appointed over all or any part of their assets; or
      2. It becomes unlawful for us to provide the Service.


Terms and Conditions for the provision of Microsoft 365 Services.

Microsoft 365 Services are provided by a third party company, Microsoft Corporation. This Schedule is accepted in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions and relates to the sale and provision of Microsoft 365 Services through us. In conjunction with these terms you also agree to the “Online Services Use Rights" meaning the Microsoft use rights for Products which are published at and the Microsoft Cloud Agreement (MCA) which is published at

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Microsoft" means the third party company providing the Products and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries and service providers.
    2. "Minimum Term" means the minimum amount of time that you may purchase the Product for after the order has been accepted.
    3. "Online Services Use Rights" means the usage rights set out by Microsoft who provides this service which you must agree to when using the Product.
    4. "Service(s)" means Microsoft 365 Services provided by Microsoft and available for purchase from us as listed at
  2. Consequences of termination
    1. On termination for any reason, we will cease providing the Services and they will be deleted.
    2. If the termination is during the Minimum Term you will be liable to pay us the charges that would have arisen from the date of termination until the expiry of the Minimum Term.
    3. If you have a monthly package you are not eligible for a refund.
  3. Use of the Services
    1. Your use of the Services is subject to the following Terms and Conditions:
    2. You agree to the “Online Services Use Rights" meaning the Microsoft user rights for Services which are published and include but are not limited to terms governing privacy and the handling of your data.
    3. You represent and warrant that you have the necessary rights to any data, software programs or services that you use in connection with your access or use of the Services and that such activities do not infringe the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any third party.
    4. You agree to access and use the Services:
      1. without violating the rights of any third party or purporting to subject us or Microsoft to any other obligations to you or any third party, and
      2. solely in a manner that comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
    5. We will provide support to you for use of the Services and you will not receive customer support from Microsoft.
    6. This agreement is for the benefit of Microsoft and Microsoft Affiliates, licensors and suppliers, and each of the foregoing shall be entitled in its own right to require the due performance of this agreement.
    7. Availability of the Service, some of its functionality, and language versions varies by country. You may only use the Service or certain functionality of the Service, as is made available in your primary location. Information on availability is located at or at an alternate site Microsoft identifies.
  4. Warranties
    1. We warrant that:
      1. Services will perform in accordance with our Service Level Commitment.
    2. The limited warranty for Services is for the duration of your use of the Services.
    3. This limited warranty is subject to the following limitations:
      1. any implied warranties, guarantees or conditions not able to be disclaimed as a matter of law will last one year from the start of the limited warranty;
      2. this limited warranty does not cover problems caused by accident, abuse or use of the Services in a manner inconsistent with this agreement or the Online Services User Rights, or resulting from events beyond our reasonable control;
      3. this limited warranty does not apply to problems caused by the failure to meet minimum system requirements; and
      4. this limited warranty does not apply to free, trial, pre-release or beta Services.
    4. Remedies for breach of limited warranty. If we fail to meet any of the above limited warranties and you notify us within the warranty period that Services do not meet the limited warranty, then we will provide the remedies identified in the Service Level Commitment for the affected Services. These are your only remedies for breach of the limited warranty, unless other remedies are required to be provided under applicable law.


SiteLock Terms and Conditions

      "Service": means the provision of the SiteLock Service by Register365 to the customer.

  1. The Service is activated by you after purchase, by clicking on the purchase button on either the Register365 website or your Online Control Panel. The Service supplied will enable you to perform safety auditing on your own website, to analyse its vulnerabilities and to remove such vulnerabilities, subject to the Service package purchased. We reserve the right to change the features of the Service and/or transfer the Service to other platforms enjoying the same or higher quality, without your prior consent at any time. Such changes will be effective immediately on posting to our website. Your use of Services after such changes have been made constitutes your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions as then revised. If you are a consumer and we change these terms to your material disadvantage, you have a right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect. The Service is provided with different solutions, each of which is defined by special technical features. Possible solutions appear up to date on our website, together with their technical differences and cost.
  2. The Service is provided by SiteLock LLC, an external provider which acts as autonomous data controller, located in the U.S. and compliant with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework. You acknowledge and agree that we act exclusively as a reseller of SiteLock LLC and that the use of the Service implies the access by SiteLock to personal data or to contents lead into the web by you (i.e. for the delivery of reports as a result of the execution of the scan). This information is processed by SiteLock as autonomous data controller. For further details please read the SiteLock Privacy Policy, by following the link:
  3. You acknowledge that you are only purchasing a non-exclusive licence, which cannot be transferred to third parties, to use the software, such licence being valid only for the duration of the agreement entered into signed by you. You engage to use the Service in compliance with the use of the Service obligations in the Terms and Conditions, and with any applicable prescription or regulation.
  4. The Service is provided by us in reference to a single website chosen by you at the time of first configuration (so-called "association"). Association with a website different from the one first established will be granted only on request to the technical office and will in any case be limited to no more than three (3) times a year. Exceptions to this rule will be assessed by us on request by you. Unless there is evidence to the contrary, you undertake that you may legitimately dispose of the website associated with the Service, as the owner or in any case as a party authorised by an entitled third party.
  5. By purchasing the SiteLock product, you authorise SiteLock to:
    1. use the credentials you have set inside the SiteLock dashboard in order to deliver the Service (website scanning, automatic malware removal);
    2. download the whole website on its own servers in order to deliver the service (website scanning, monitoring modified/added/deleted files);
    3. diagnose, solve and/or remove any malware or link to malware, change the code of the website in order to remove any identified vulnerabilities; and
    4. contact Google, Phishtank or other malware listing authority in the name and on behalf of the Customer in order to remove the website from any blacklist on which it may appear.
  6. You may not use the Service in such a way as to overload the delivery platforms of the Service. You may not use any of the IP addresses or any of the platforms through which the Service is delivered to launch any kind of attack on third party IP addresses, send unwanted internet messages to anyone, commit illegal deeds, transmit or save illegal data. Should you - intentionally or by mistake - access any information not directly addressed to you, you must notify this breach to us and delete any copy which you may possess. Throughout the extent and duration of the Contract, you must, at your own liability and charge:
    1. use the Service for legitimate purposes only. By way of example only, the following are held to be illegitimate: i) breaking ordinary law and current regulations; ii) committing or enabling criminal actions; iii) instigating violence or racism; iv) breaching intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties; v) sending unauthorised or unrequested commercial notices; vi) breaking into or computers, software or networks; vii) intercepting, downloading, copying, interfering with, damaging or expropriating any system, data or personal information; viii) damaging websites or services of the Company or of third parties; and
    2. comply with any and every instruction which may be issued by Register365 concerning appropriate and correct use of the Service.
  7. We reserve the right to suspend the Service immediately, if - at its discretion or upon complaint by third parties - it believes that activities have been committed which break the law, imperative rules or decent behaviour of the Contract. In such case, after notice by us, you must eliminate the cause of the complaint or submit proper documentation proving full compliance with current regulations. Should you acquire the Service on behalf of third parties, you must inform such third parties concerning the reasons for suspension of the Service. We reserve the right to contact directly any third parties who are final users of the Service, should these contact us asking to have the Service restored. Should no immediate reply be received, we will have the right to cease delivering the Service without prejudice to our entitlement to full payment of the consideration due or to our right to take legal steps for full reimbursement of any damage incurred.
  8. You have no control over or access to the data submitted for verification to the Service. Any liability arising from such data and contents shall fall entirely on you. It is your exclusive liability to properly preserve access credentials and take appropriate steps to prevent unauthorised access by third parties to the Service.
  9. The Service will be available twenty-four (24) hours a day seven (7) days a week, except for any suspension due to upkeep work. You take note that the Service is provided "as is", without any warranty, explicit or implicit, of operation, holding us harmless for any liability in case of malfunction or loss of data or contents due to problems with SiteLock's software or to operations carried out by SiteLock on the IT systems and/or websites chosen by you. We also shall in no case be held liable in case of malfunction of the Service due to reasons beyond its reasonable control, including by way of example only:
    1. cases of force majeure;
    2. events depending on actions by third parties such as, by way of example only, interruption or malfunction of telecommunications and/or power services;
    3. malfunction of terminals or other communications systems employed by you; and
    4. You accept and acknowledge that we will neither check nor monitor correct activation of the Service and may in no way be held liable in case of mistaken or failed activation of the Service. In any case, no liability on our part towards you due to prejudice arising from this agreement may exceed the total amount actually paid by you to us during the six (6) months immediately preceding the arising of the event which determined the above mentioned prejudice.
  10. You acknowledge and accept that in some circumstances, SiteLock will carry out an analysis of the customer website using an automatic or manual system which identifies vulnerabilities of the website or of the network which:
    1. May be deemed invasive or intrusive, and include attempts by SiteLock or its agents to access - without permission - the IT Customer's system in order to make you aware of areas in which the system is vulnerable to intrusions by unauthorised third parties leading to damage or unauthorised use;
    2. May accidentally damage your system because of lack of consistency among network systems;
    3. May generate an excessive number of log messages and give rise to an excessive consumption of disk space;
    4. May cause degradation of your system due to an attempted penetration including, by way of example only, slowing down, suspension, blocking of your system, possible malfunction of your system as the result of an attempted invasion of such a system, or any other damage due to the use of invasive or intrusive techniques employed to gain access to your system.
  11. You permit SiteLock to access your IT system only in order to provide the Contract assessment services. You authorise SiteLock to carry out Security Audits on any device and IP specified by you. You acknowledge and accept that SiteLock shall not be held liable for any delay or damage caused by SiteLock's Services, including the Security Audits and activities Clause 2. You explicitly acknowledge that SiteLock is not bound by any obligation, Contract liability or guarantee in case of loss of profit or of data or because of any incidental, consequential or indirect damage, foreseen or foreseeable, unforeseeable or in any case due to use of the Service, within the limits set by the law. Such limitations apply to any kind of complaint or request for action, including by way of example only, any arising from availability of the Service, from access by you to third party services, contents or software and their use, as well as any other matter relating to the Service.
  12. You must notify any irregularity in the Service within forty-eight (48) hours. Failure to do so will make us harmless for any liability.
  13. The duration of the Service, is determined by the package purchased by you. Renewal at expiry may be automatic or manual.
    1. In case of automatic renewal and payment by credit card, the consideration will be charged in the terms provided for and at the conditions existing at the time of the renewal, as shown in the Online Control Panel, directly by us to your credit card, after notice by email. Should you fail to pay such a charge, the Contract will not renew automatically and must be considered to have expired upon expiry of the term. In this case, you may renew the Service by following the manual renewal procedure. In case of expiry with automatic renewal and payment using a system different from credit card, twenty (20) days before expiry, after notice by email, we will undertake the renewal and send the invoice bill to you who must pay in terms specified. The invoice and relevant payment instructions will be sent by email to your address at the time of the order. Should you fail to pay in the expected terms, we may at any time terminate delivery of the Service, without prejudice to the provisions of charges and payment terms in the Contract. In this case, any data present on the space made available with the Service will be deleted without any liability by us for preserving and/or saving such data.
    2. In case of expiry with manual renewal, you may ask us to renew the Service for further and later periods in the terms appearing on the Online Control Panel and at the technical and economic conditions current at the time of renewal of the Service and undertaking the renewal procedure. In case of failure to renew, in the manner and terms prescribed, upon expiry the Service will cease to be delivered without need for any notice by us. In this case, any data present on the space made available with the Service will be deleted without any liability by us for preserving and/or saving such data.


Terms and Conditions relating to our KickStart Service. ("the Service")

The KickStart Service is provided by Register365 Limited. The Schedule below relates to the sale and provision of the KickStart Service and in conjunction with these terms.

This Schedule along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us.

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Email Account" is the email account that will be activated and setup support provided for relating to your Services package and the domain associated with it.
    2. "Email Activation" is the process of supporting you to activate one mailbox where telephone support is no longer than one hour, inclusive of Email Assistance.
    3. "Email Assistance" relates to process of up to one (1) hour of telephone support configuring one authenticated SMTP (where Authenticated SMTP is provisioned through us), one email client, one device and accessing Register365 Webmail. An additional device can be added for an additional charge.
  2. The Service
    1. A description of the packages and services we offer can be found on our website
    2. First Line Technical Support for the Service is provided by Register365.
  3. Requirements for Service
    1. The Services must be used in respect of a registered Domain Name.
  4. Activation of Service
    1. In order to activate the Service you need to call our Customer Care team.
  5. Email Activation
    1. We will begin your email activation process for one mailbox once you have provided us with the information that we request from you in order for us to provide the Services. Activating your email includes creating a mailbox and an email address with a username of your choice.
    2. You will be required to create a password for the email user account in your Online Control Panel to guarantee that your password remains safe. We will contact you once the email has been created and provide step by step support to help you create your email user and activate the following features:
      1. Mailbox creation and username login settings (including username, full name, password and email settings)
      2. Email forwarding
      3. Creating email rules. Email rules are used to specify where the email sent to any email address, for your Domain Name is delivered. The destination can be the mailbox of a user for this domain (or any other hosted domain on your account), and/or an external email address. Alternatively, you can specify the destination to be a 'blackhole'. This is an address that accepts email, but immediately deletes it.
    3. Additional mailbox activations: All Domain Names come with an email package included and this KickStart package will activate one mailbox associated to that Domain Name. Additional KickStart email activations are subject to additional KickStart Services charges.
  6. Email Assistance
    1. We will begin your email activation process for one (1) mailbox once you have provided us with any information that we request from you in order for us to provide the Services.
    2. We will contact you to complete the email activation process and once your email has been activated we will provide up to one (1) hour of telephone based support to assist with setup of the following:
      1. Activation of Authenticated SMTP on your email
      2. One email client configuration that will enable you to send and receive emails from your chosen email client
      3. One device configuration that will enable you to send and receive emails from your chosen device
      4. Assistance to access Register365 WebMail
    3. The Services include up to one (1) hour of telephone based support inclusive of both email Activation and Email Assistance. If after one (1) hour of telephone support you are not happy that your email has been activated and configured correctly, we will assess whether reasonable and fair guidance has been given to complete the activation process.
    4. Entirely at our discretion we reserve the right to offer additional support time to assist with activating the Services or we may choose to end the Services after one hour of telephone support. You will be responsible to pay fifty (50) percent of the charges paid for the Service for the costs associated with the one (1) hour of telephone support offered. A partial refund of 50 percent of the value paid for the Services will be refunded to you.
    5. We will charge you €6.99 (ex VAT) for each additional device attached to your account.
    6. Should you choose to use third-party Authenticated SMTP settings, we cannot assist with the setup of your outgoing email service and you will be referred to your SMTP provider. Where the setup cannot be completed with the use of a third-party Authenticated SMTP service, no refund will be provided by us.
  7. Duration
    1. KickStart is a one-off package.
    2. Please refer to our Refund Policy.


Terms and conditions relating to our Build Me A Website Service ("the Service")

The following Schedule governs our agreement to provide the Service to you along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us. By choosing this Service you agree to be bound by this Schedule along with the Website Builder Service Terms and Conditions referenced in the Schedules and located at Schedule G or by Website Builder Terms and Conditions referenced in the Schedules at Schedule N.

The Service is sold by Register365 (“Register365”) and supplied by Register365 under the "Build Me A Website product.

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Brief" means a brief from you to us communicating your web page requirements including but not limited to your content direction for copywriters and designers to create the Website.
    2. "Website" means the Website we will create using CloudSite or CloudShop or Website Builder and will provide to you as part of the Service as outlined at
    3. "Your Content" relates to the website content provided by you by submitting your Brief.
    4. "Amendments" means a request for small changes to your Service web page, which may include but are not limited to content changes (i.e. logo used, spelling mistakes, changing contact details, form submission location and social link addresses)
    5. "Product" means any item offered for sale through your website.
    6. "Site" means either your World Wide Web Site or one belonging to us.
    7. "Service" means the Build Me A Website service.
  2. The Service
    1. A description of the packages and services we offer to create your website can be found on our website
    2. First Line Technical Support for the Service is provided by us for the duration of the website build. Once the Amendments are finished at the Amendments stage, no further content amends will be made and you will be responsible for managing and maintaining your Website by accessing it through your Online Control Panel or paying for the Website Maintenance Service. Once your Website is live, First Line Technical Support will be provided by us and You should contact us using the support enquiry link in your Online Control Panel and or on the telephone numbers provided on our website. First Line Technical Support from Register365 is provided at the same level of service offered for Website Builder customers, which does not include website build support.
    3. If you wish to make substantial amends (in addition to those defined) to the content of your Website, you must purchase an additional Build Me A Website Service.
  3. Requirements for Service
    1. The Services must be used in respect of the original Domain Name the Service was assigned to by you.
  4. Activation of Service
    1. In order to activate the Service, you will need to complete the online Brief and send any further content requested by Us.
    2. If you do not respond back to the Brief, we will send a reminder email to you one (1) week after the Brief has been sent. We will then send you a temporary suspension email two (2) weeks after the reminder email has been sent. This email states that your Website build is on hold until we receive a formative response from you.
    3. Failure to provide a Brief and enough information to start your Site within thirty (30) days of the date of purchasing the product will result in the Service being terminated without a refund.
  5. Web Page Creation
    1. We agree to build a Website selected from a template recommended by us in consultation with you and thereafter provide the website for your approval (features of the Website are limited to the options available in the Service package), within an estimated eight (8) weeks upon processing of the Product. Any dates quoted for delivery are approximate only, and the time for delivery is not of the essence. Please note we will only start building your Website once you have provided us with your Brief, and any other materials and information that we request from you in order for us to provide the Services.
    2. Once your Website is complete you will be notified by email and asked to approve the Website in a sign off email.
    3. We may not be able to fulfil the Services if we become aware or suspect that your Content constitutes illegal (including defamatory) material, infringes the intellectual property, or other rights, of any third party, or is in breach of our Acceptable Use Policy and again in these circumstances no refund will be provided by us.
    4. If you are unhappy with your Website build or wish for amendments to be made, we will consider your request for amendments and if we in our absolute discretion consider that the amendments requested are reasonable, we will undertake one round of amendments to your Website within two (2) weeks from the day of our email notifying you of completion of your Website. If you fail to request amendments within the two (2) week period from the day of the email notifying you of completion, no further amendments will be undertaken and no refunds will be given.
    5. We will notify you when your Website is ready to be published and you will be directed to the publish link located in your Online Control Panel. You are entirely responsible for publishing your Website and we are not obliged to implement further amendments once the site has been published. Once you have published your website, you will not be entitled to a refund under any circumstances.
    6. Email configuration is not included in the Service across any or multiple devices.
  6. Charges
    1. We require payment in advance for the Service or any renewal of the Service.
    2. If you require additional Website features or Products not included in the Build Me A Website package as defined, you may be able to purchase additional services from a representative for an additional agreed fee above the original cost of the Service. This will be added to your order. These may include but will not be limited to, additional copywriting facilities, additional page design, inclusion of photography packages and inclusion of a more than twenty (20) Products.
  7. Duration
    1. Build Me A Website is a one off package.
  8. Termination
    1. We shall be entitled to terminate the Service immediately on serving written notice if:
      1. Our third party provider is unable or unwilling to provide the Service or becomes bankrupt or has a receiver or administrator appointed over all or any part of their assets; or
      2. It becomes unlawful for us to provide the Service.
    2. Failure to provide a Brief and enough information to start your Site within thirty (30) days of the date of purchasing the product will result in the Service being terminated without a refund.
  9. Refunds
    1. After the initial sales call, there is no refund based on a change of mind or change of functionality that differs from what was agreed during the original Build Me a Website sales call.
    2. No refund is offered past 14 days of purchasing the Service. This also relates to partially completed and non-started Sites where you have delayed the process.


Terms and Conditions relating to cPanel Backups

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Your Content" relates to the website content provided by you by submitting your form.
    2. "Product" means any item offered for sale through our Site.
    3. "Site" means either your World Wide Web Site or one belonging to us.
    4. "Snapshots" means the copy of Your Content stored at specific point in time.
    5. "Databases,” means SQL databases associated to domain hosting on your cPanel package.
  2. The Service
    1. The product works in conjunction with cPanel hosting and once purchased will allow you to have access to your backups of both Databases and your Content hosted on your website.
    2. The stored backups of both Your Content and Databases will be held for a maximum period of three (3) weeks depending on the day of the week the backups were taken.
    3. The retention of the backups are below:
      1. Three (3) weekly Snapshots taken every Monday
      2. Seven (7) daily Snapshots for the last seven (7) days
      3. Multiple Snapshots on the current day
    4. Databases will be generated as an SQL dump file, created at the same time as the website content is backed up.
    5. The Backups are solely for website content and databases using cPanel and do not include email content.
    6. The Backups run in conjunction with cPanel hosting. If cPanel hosting is deleted the backups will not be retained and cannot be recovered.
    7. There will be no retention of older content after the three (3) week time scale.
    8. You will be subject to a maximum disk space and bandwidth usage according to the plan you have purchased.
    9. We shall use reasonable commercial efforts to provide cPanel backups services on a twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week basis throughout the term of this Agreement.
    10. You acknowledge and agree that from time to time the cPanel backup services may be inaccessible or inoperable for any reason, including without limitation:
      1. Equipment malfunctions;
      2. Periodic maintenance procedures or repairs that we may undertake from time to time; or
      3. Causes beyond our control or that are not reasonable foreseeable including, but not limited to, interruption or failure of telecommunication or digital links, hostile network attacks, network congestion or other failures. Where a problem does arise with the Service, it is your responsibility to inform us of this and we will use all reasonable efforts to resolve the problem. However, we do not guarantee that we can restore any lost or corrupted data and we will have no liability for the loss or corruption of any data. It is also your responsibility to ensure that you back up your data as necessary for you.
  3. Requirements for Service
    1. The Services will only run in conjunction with cPanel hosting.
  4. Activation of Service
    1. Once payment is made for the service the backups will become available through the cPanel hosting area.


Terms and conditions relating to Apache Backups

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Your Content" relates to the website content provided by You by submitting Your Form.
    2. "Product" means any item offered for sale through our Site.
    3. "Site" means either your World Wide Web Site or one belonging to us.
    4. "Snapshots" means the copy of Your Content stored at specific point in time.
    5. "Databases,” means SQL databases associated to domain hosting on your cPanel package.
  2. The Service
    1. The Product works in conjunction with Apache hosting and once purchased will allow you to have access to Your backups of both Databases and Your Content hosted on your website.
    2. The stored backups of Your Content will be held for a maximum period of seven (7) weeks depending on the day of the week the backups were taken.
    3. The Retention Policy of Content backups is as follows:
    4. Seven (7) weekly Snapshots taken every Sunday
    5. Ten (10) daily Snapshots for the last ten days
    6. Up to three (3) Snapshots on the current day
    7. The stored backups of Your Databases will be held for a maximum period of thirty (30) days depending on the time of day the backups were taken.
    8. The Retention Policy for Databases is as follows:
      1. Up to thirty (30) daily Backups for the last thirty (30) days.
      2. Databases will be generated as an SQL dump file.
    9. The Backups are solely for website content and databases using Apache and do not include email content.
    10. The Backups run in conjunction with Apache hosting. If Apache hosting is deleted or suspended the backups will not be retained and cannot be recovered
    11. There will be no retention of older content after the seven (7) week time scale.
    12. You will be subject to a maximum disk space and bandwidth usage according to the plan you have purchased.
    13. We shall use reasonable commercial efforts to provide Apache backups services on a twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week basis throughout the term of this Agreement.
    14. You acknowledge and agree that from time to time the Apache backup services may be inaccessible or inoperable for any reason, including without limitation:
      1. Equipment malfunctions;
      2. Periodic maintenance procedures or repairs that we may undertake from time to time; or
      3. Causes beyond our control or that are not reasonably foreseeable including, but not limited to, interruption or failure of telecommunication or digital links, hostile network attacks, network congestion or other failures. Where a problem does arise with the Service, it is your responsibility to inform us of this and we will use all reasonable efforts to resolve the problem. However, we do not guarantee that we can restore any lost or corrupted data and we will have no liability for the loss or corruption of any data. It is also your responsibility to ensure that you back up your data as necessary for you.
  3. Requirements for Service
    1. The Services will only run in conjunction with Apache hosting
  4. Activation of Service
    1. Once payment is made for the service the backups will become available through the Apache hosting area.


Terms and conditions relating to our Website Builder Service ("the Service")

The Service is provided by a third party company, Duda Inc., and is referred to as the "Website Builder Platform Provider" and branded by Register365 as "Website Builder". This Schedule along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us.

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Brand Features" means all trademarks, service marks, logos and other distinctive brand features.
    2. "The Trial", "Free Trial", "30 Day FREE Trial" means the free thirty (30) day trial of the Service which may become available from time to time.
    3. "Links" means button pointer graphic text (including our Brand Features) incorporated within your Site, which permit users to navigate directly to our Site.
    4. "Product" means any item offered for sale through our Site.
    5. "Site" means either your World Wide Web Site or one belonging to us.
    6. "User" means a visitor referred to our Site through the Links on your Site.
    7. "Website Builder Free" means a free one (1) page version of our Website Builder Service offered for one (1) year and offered in conjunction with a first time registration of a Domain Name.
    8. "Website Builder Lite" means a one (1) page version of our Website Builder Service offered in conjunction with a Domain Name and charged as per the prices outlined in our price list at
    9. "Website Builder Platform Provider" means the third party agent responsible for delivering the website builder, editor and hosting services.
  2. Service
    1. A description of the Website Builder packages and services we offer can be found on our website and
    2. Website Builder Free is offered as a free one (1) page version of our Website Builder Service for the initial term of one (1) year from the point when the Service was activated. After the initial one (1) year term, Website Builder Free will automatically upgrade to Website Builder Lite, which will then become chargeable as per the prices outlined in our price list at If Website Builder Free is not upgraded to a paid for Website Builder product after the initial term the service will be terminated, and your content will be lost.
    3. First line technical support for the Service is provided by Register365.
    4. The Service is not available to customers with a shared hosting package on their domain.
  3. Activation of Service
    1. In order to activate the Service you need to login to your account with us and follow the instructions supplied under Website Builder.
    2. If a Free Trial is available on the Product, you need to ensure you have provided us with username, password, valid email address and Sub-domain Name.
  4. Duration
    1. The Contract for the provision of the Free Trial is for 14 days from date of signup and/or order. At end of your free trial, your Website Builder account and its content will be frozen and/or deleted, unless transferred to a registered domain with an associated Website Builder product through us.
    2. If you transfer the Service to an associated Website Builder product through us following expiry of the Free Trial, the Service will continue on an ongoing basis, unless terminated.
  5. Requirements for Service
    1. The Services must be used in respect of a registered Domain Name.
  6. Activation of Service
    1. In order to activate the Service, you need to log in to your Online Control Panel and follow the instructions supplied.
  7. Websites created and content submitted
    1. By submitting content to the Service for the creation of a website, you grant us and the Website Builder Platform Provider a world-wide, royalty-free, and non- exclusive license to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish the content.
    2. You acknowledge that Register365 and the Website Builder Platform Provider are acting only as a passive conduit for the publishing and/or distribution of such content. Register365 and the Website Builder Platform Provider undertakes no responsibility to review a Site, the products or services listed therein or any other content or customer data, including, but not limited to, user-generated content published and/or distributed on the Site to determine whether any such product, service, company content, or customer data may incur liability to third parties.
    3. We make no representations or warranties about any third-party images and or software offered in connection with the Website Builder Service and expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility regarding the same. You acknowledge and agree that you will protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Register365 from and against any and all claims imposed upon or incurred by Us directly or indirectly arising from your use or misuse of third- party images and or software.
    4. Violation of our Acceptable Use Policy, may result in temporary suspension or permanent termination of one or more service at our sole discretion. We do not issue service credits for any outages incurred though service disablement resulting from policy violations.


Terms and conditions for the provision of SSL Services.

This Schedule is accepted in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions and relates to the sale and provision of SSL Certificates through us.

You acknowledge and accept that for the provision of SSL Certificates we act only as a reseller of External Providers, Symantec, Lets Encrypt and GlobalSign as specified below and you accept the obligations contained in the following external Provider agreements:


Lets Encrypt:



The Service gives you use of an SSL Certificate, which consists of a key pair as well as verified identification information. When a web browser (or customer) points to a secured website, the server shares the public key with you to establish an encryption method and a unique session key. You confirm that you recognise and trust the issuer of the SSL Certificate. This process is known as the "SSL handshake" and it begins a secure session that protects message privacy, message integrity, and server security.

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Certificate Application" means your application for an SSL certificate which must be accepted by the External Providers, using Our order process.
    2. "External Providers" means the third party providers, Symantec, Lets Encrypt and GlobalSign who provide the SSL service that we resell and with whom you are also contracting by choosing this product.
    3. "Minimum Term" means the minimum amount of time that you may purchase the Product for after the order has been accepted.
    4. "Certificate" means SSL Services provided by External Providers and available for purchase from us as listed at
    5. "Services" means the provision and sale of SSL Certificates and accompanying information.
  2. Orders
    1. Your order must be submitted to us using either the online order form or through one of our representatives. The Services must be used in respect of a registered Domain Name.
    2. If we accept your order, the processing of your request will start immediately.
    3. We will perform the authentication procedures for the Certificate that you have requested, upon receipt of the applicable payment, and subsequently process any Certificate Application.
    4. Upon approval of the Certificate Application, prior to the issuance of the Certificate, you must submit a Certificate Signing Request (“CSR”) in a format specified by us. If we do not receive a CSR within twelve (12) months from the day the Certificate Application is approved and a Product is otherwise ready for issuance, the Certificate Application approval will automatically expire.
    5. You must review the information in the Certificate and promptly notify us of any errors. Upon receipt of such notice, we may revoke the Certificate and issue a corrected Certificate.
  3. Services and charges
    1. Details of our products, prices and full services can be found on our website at
  4. Duration
    1. The Contract for the Certificate will be for a period of time dependant on the Minimum Term chosen, starting at the time the order is accepted. The Minimum Term will expire unless it is renewed for a subsequent period. This is subject to the provisions for early termination set out in the Terms and Conditions.
    2. When You purchase a certificate for 2 years, the SSL will be issued across two separate certificates of 1 year, to comply with browser requirements. After the initial 1 year term has passed, a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and a new Domain Certificate Validation (DCV) is required, meaning the certificate will need to be re-issued by Us and re-installed by You. The re-issue/re-install process is free, unless you choose to amend the SSL order. If You do not complete your re-issue/re-install process on time, your existing SSL will no longer be valid. We will notify you prior to the end date of your first 1-year certificate and ask you to re-install the next 1 year SSL certificate.
  5. Consequences of termination
    1. On termination for any reason, we will cease to provide the Services and your Certificates will be deleted.
    2. If you terminate the Services during the Minimum Term, you will be liable to pay us the charges that would have arisen from the date of termination until the expiry of the Minimum Term.
  6. Ownership of data and indemnity
    1. All data created or stored by you within our applications and servers is your property.
    2. We will allow access to such data only by our authorised personnel.
    3. You will indemnify us and keep us indemnified against any claim, loss or damage in respect of any content, email content or any other data contained within your Products.
  7. Use of Certificates
    1. You represent and warrant that you have the necessary rights to any data, software programs or services that you use in connection with your access or use of the Certificates and that such activities do not infringe the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any third party.
    2. You agree to access and use the Certificates:
      1. Without violating the rights of any third party or purporting to subject us or External Providers to any other obligations to you or any third party, and
      2. Solely in a manner that complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
    3. We will provide support to you for use of the Certificates and you will not receive customer support from External Providers.


When you register a Domain Name(s), you are contractually required to enter ‘Registrant Details’ including information such as your name, address, email, fax and phone number ("Personal Data").

This Personal Data is then sent to the relevant Registry or Registrar for your Domain Name, in accordance with Registry requirements.

Registrars are also required by the Registrar Accreditation Agreements (Section 3.6 of the 2013 RAA) to escrow certain registration data with an ICANN-approved Registrar Data Escrow Agent ("DEA") pursuant to the Registrar Data Escrow (RDE) program as defined by the RDE Specifications.

If your Domain Name is a .uk, or, the relevant Registry is Nominet UK ("Nominet").

If your Domain Name is a .com or .net, the relevant Registrar is Register S.p.A. ("") the relevant Registry is Verisign, Inc. ("Verisign") and the DEA is Iron Mountain Intellectual Property Management, Inc.

If your Domain Name is a .biz, the relevant Registrar is Register S.p.A. (""), the relevant Registry is NeuStar, Inc. ("Neustar") and the DEA is Iron Mountain Intellectual Property Management, Inc.

If your Domain Name is a .info, the relevant Registrar is Register S.p.A. (""), the relevant Registry is Afilias Limited. ("Afilias") and the DEA is Iron Mountain Intellectual Property Management, Inc.

If your Domain Name is a .org, the relevant Registrar is Register S.p.A. (""), the relevant Registry is Public Interest Registry which uses the infrastructure of Afilias. ("PIR") and the DEA is Iron Mountain Intellectual Property Management, Inc.

Register365's Domain Proxy Service ("Domain Proxy Service") is offered as an optional service for individual registrations of a Domain Name and is available for a Domain Name extension listed above. As part of the Domain Proxy Service, we will act as your proxy and send our details to the Registry, rather than your Personal Data.

The following Terms and Conditions will apply if you subscribe to the Domain Proxy Service:

  1. The Domain Proxy Service
    1. When you subscribe a Domain Name to our Domain Proxy Service you designate that we will thereafter be registered as the holder of the Domain Name at the Registry.
    2. For each new registration of a Domain Name you subscribe to the Domain Proxy Service, we will not send your Personal Data to the Registry. Register365’s details will be sent as a proxy.
    3. If you add the Domain Proxy Service to an existing Domain Name, any Personal Data supplied to Register365 before adding the Domain Proxy Service has already been sent to the Registry and cannot be retrieved. After you have subscribed to the Domain Proxy Service, we will no longer send your Personal Data to the Registry. Register365’s details will be sent as a proxy.
    4. You will retain the full benefits of the Domain Name and may cancel the Domain Proxy Service for each Domain Name at any time. If you do cancel the Domain Proxy Service, we will thereafter forward your Personal Data to the Registry.
    5. You shall retain full control and ownership over and remain the legally responsible owner of the Domain Name.
    6. Register365 acknowledges that you are the exclusive owner of all rights, title and interest in and to, or authorised licensee of, the Intellectual Property Rights and that we shall acquire no rights whatsoever in or to any of the Intellectual Property Rights.
    7. You will retain full liability for the registration and use of the Domain Name and agree to release, defend, fully indemnify and hold Register365 harmless, its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, agents, directors, officers and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages or costs, arising out of or related in any way to Register365 and your use of your Domain Name registration.
    8. You agree to continue to be bound by the relevant TLD Registry policies for the Domain Name owned by you.
    9. The Domain Proxy Service is only available when you purchase a Domain Name from Register365.
    10. You agree for .com, .net, .biz, .info and .org we remain contractually bound to escrow your Personal Data as per Section 3.6 of the 2013 ICANN RAA to an ICANN-approved Registrar Data Escrow Agent (“DEA”) pursuant to the Registrar Data Escrow (RDE) program as defined by the RDE Specifications.
  2. Nature of the Domain Proxy Service
    1. Register365 has no right to assume or to create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on your behalf. Nothing stated in this Schedule shall be construed as constituting you and Register365 as partners or joint venture parties or as creating a relationship of employer and employee between the parties.
  3. Your Obligations
    You agree and acknowledge that in relation to each Domain Name you subscribe to the Domain Proxy Service:
    1. You will provide us with, and update accurate and current contact details at all times. In particular, you will ensure that your email address, postal address, phone and fax number for the Domain Name is accurate. If you are not contactable via the contact information provided or you do not reply to our enquiries as set out in Clause 4(c) below, we reserve the right to take all necessary action, in particular to suspend, delete or release the domain due to actual or alleged violations of the law.
    2. You will inform us immediately in writing by mail, fax or email in the event that your Domain Name is threatened with legal action.
    3. You will:
      1. Respond within three (3) working days to any enquiries made by us to determine the validity of any information provided to us by you. In the event of a legal dispute, we reserve the right to shorten the response time;
      2. Respond promptly within twenty-four (24) hours to correspondence we receive that is either addressed to or involves a Domain Name; and
      3. Respond promptly within twenty-four (24) hours to enquiries we may make involving your Domain Name.
  4. Suspension and Termination of Domain Proxy Service
    1. You acknowledge and agree that we have the absolute right, in our sole discretion and without any liability to you whatsoever, to suspend or cancel the Domain Proxy Service for each subscribed Domain Name, with your Personal Data then being sent to the Registry OR reveal your Personal Data, including but not limited to the following:
      1. When required by law, governmental rules or requirements, governmental authorities or a court order;
      2. If you transfer away from Register365;
      3. When we believe in good faith that such action is required by law;
      4. In compliance with a legal process served upon us;
      5. In order to comply with applicable Registry rules, policies or procedures;
      6. To resolve any and all third party claims, whether threatened or made, arising out of your use of a Domain Name;
      7. If we believe that you are using the Domain Proxy Service to conceal involvement in illegal, illicit, morally objectionable or harmful activities;
      8. To protect the integrity and stability of the applicable Domain Name Registry;
      9. To comply with any Dispute Resolution Policy;
      10. To avoid any financial loss or legal liability (civil or criminal) on the part of us, our parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, agents, officers, directors and employees;
      11. If the Domain Name we register on your behalf violates or infringes a third party’s trademark, trade name or other legal rights; or
      12. You further acknowledge and agree that in the event that we receive a formal complaint, notice of claim in relation to legal proceedings or in relation to a Dispute Resolution Policy, the subject matter of which is a Domain Name or which relates to your use of the services, we have the right to suspend the Domain Proxy Service and your Personal Data will be made available to Nominet.
    2. If at any time you choose to cancel the Domain Proxy Service, you acknowledge that your Personal Data will from that point be sent to the Registry.
  5. Refund in Event of Cancellation
    1. We will not provide a refund in the event that we exercise any of our rights set out in Clause 4 above or you elect to cancel our Domain Proxy Service for any reason.
  6. Communications forwarding
    You agree and acknowledge that:
    1. We will forward to you communications relevant to any or all of the circumstances set out in Clause 4, referring to your Domain Name that are received by us by email, postal mail or fax.
    2. You agree to waive any and all claims arising from your failure to receive communications directed to your Domain Name but not forwarded to you by us.
    3. We reserve the right to pass on to you the reasonable costs we may incur for administrative tasks outside of the scope of our Domain Proxy Service. Such tasks include, but are not limited to, customer service issues that cannot be handled by email and disputes requiring legal services.


Terms and conditions relating to our Website Maintenance Service ("the Service")

The Service is provided by Us and is referred to as the "Website Maintenance Service". This Schedule along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us.

  1. Included in this Service
    1. One round of amendments each month not exceeding 2 hours in total. In the event that You require additional website changes in the same month exceeding 2 hours You will have the opportunity to request additional hours of work. Additional work will be charged in hourly blocks with the amends requirements agreed before changes are undertaken and additional hours will be charged in advance at the standard quoted hourly rate provided at the time of request + VAT. Amendments include edits, revisions or adding customer supplied written content or imagery to existing pages;
    2. All written content for your amendments is to be supplied by You. Text and image changes will be made to existing pages only.
    3. All amendments are to be submitted within the online amends request form in Your portal. If no amendments are requested using the online amends request form in Your portal, no amendments will be completed;
    4. Reasonable consultation, and guidance on the use of the website;
    5. Upon request through your online portal You are entitled to 1 new fully designed page each month using the same templated layout as Your current website. We will create up to 400 words of content for this page using information requested from You. If no information is provided to write the content for a requested page, the page cannot be built;
    6. Summary of work completed, sent to you through Your online portal.
  2. What is not included in this Service
    1. You acknowledge that We are not obliged to consider changes on a monthly amendment request which depart from the original template of the website or which will require a complete a page re-build;
    2. Amendments and additional page creation allocation month does do not ‘roll over’ to following months, meaning for the avoidance of doubt that in any given month service will only provide 2 hours of amend and 1 new page build subject to 1.a to 1.f above.
  3. Additional Monthly Maintenance Service The following services will carry an additional fee on top of Your Maintenance Service fee:
    1. Should You require additional page creation beyond the 1 allocated page per month, additional pages are charged at the standard quoted hourly rate provided at the time of request +VAT;
    2. Where You want to upgrade Build Me A Website Starter or Professional to include Shop functionality, You acknowledge there will be additional charges incurred for the package upgrade charged at the standard quoted hourly rate provided at the time of request +VAT.
  4. Total Agreement
    1. We will provide You with minor updates each month to the website upon Your request. The fee will be payable on a monthly basis by Direct Debit or as a 12 month charge by a manual payment made by You;
    2. During the duration of this Agreement, You agree that We will be the sole provider of Website Maintenance Services , and that no other party, including Register365 technical support will have rights to change the website. If a party other than the Register365 Website Maintenance Services team makes changes to the website, including you, that create errors, repairing these errors may incur charges in addition to Your monthly fee. Any addition charges in respect of repairing these errors will be charged in advance at the standard quoted hourly rate provided at the time of request + VAT.
  5. Deadlines & Deliverables We will respond to maintenance amendment requests from You within 48 hours on weekdays, using the amends request form in your online portal. You will receive an estimated completion date for each action item and will be informed, at our discretion if any amendments exceed the included monthly 2 hours.
    1. Maintenance requests received after 5pm GMT may not be completed until the next business day or the following business day.
    2. We will adhere to all quoted deadlines for the deliverables in the Amends Request Forms where possible. In the event that we have any issues in delivering on a quoted deadline, you will be notified by email or telephone with the reasoning for any change.
  6. Additional Services Any revisions, additions or redesign that you request us to perform that are not specified by you shall be considered "additional" and will require separate agreement and payment. We shall advise you on any requested work that falls within this category.
  7. Cancellation and Amendment
    1. Any systems put in place by us to manage back-ups, provide direct Studio phone/email support or website amendments shall cease immediately at the start of the day after the Contract is cancelled.
    2. There is no refund offered on the Maintenance Service for the period provided by us.
    3. At the end of the initial 1 month term, the Services will remain active and automatically renew on a rolling monthly basis unless the client provides at least 30 days written notice by email of cancellation.


Terms and conditions relating to our Enhanced Domain Management Service (the "Services")

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. Enhanced Domain Management refers to the combined DNS Backup and TTL Customisation Services
    2. Domain Name System ("DNS") Backup takes a snapshot of your old settings every time your DNS is updated
    3. Time To Live ("TTL") is how long your DNS entry is normally cached by 3rd party nameservers before it is asked for again
    4. "Services" means the provision of the DNS Backup and TTL Customisation by Register365
  2. Nature of the Services
    1. If you have purchased Register365's Domain Proxy and/or Privacy Service for an eligible Domain Name, there are additional functions in your Control Panel relating to DNS management.
    2. Each time there is a change made to your DNS zone, we will store these changes for a maximum of six (6) months.
    3. You are also able to customise and manage your TTL within the Control Panel. The minimum TTL setting is ten (10) minutes.
    4. Register365 has no right to assume or to create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on your behalf. Nothing stated in this Schedule shall be construed as constituting you and Register365 as partners or joint venture parties or as creating a relationship of employer and employee between the parties.
  3. Your Obligations
    You agree and acknowledge that in relation to the Services:
    1. It is your responsibility to operate the Services. Register365 will not perform the Services on your behalf.
    2. All changes to your DNS and/or TTL are made at your own risk. It is your responsibility to choose the correct DNS to record and/or restore.
  4. Information regarding the Services
    1. The Services are only available where you have purchased the Domain Proxy and/or Privacy Service for an eligible Domain Name from Register365. The Services are not available as a stand-alone product.
    2. Where the Services are not available, Register365 may offer a manual restore of your DNS. A one off charge will payable in advance when ordered through our representatives on 01 5255768. Please refer to our Price List for more information.
    3. Register365 provides no guarantees or assurances regarding the functionality of the Services. There is no service level guarantee.
    4. Register365 has the absolute right to withdraw or alter the Services at any time.
    5. The Services are not provided as a disaster recovery package. Register365 strongly advises that you maintain your own records for disaster recovery purposes.
    6. Register365 may, at any time, without liability to you, alter the TTL setting to any number it deems appropriate. You will not be notified of any changes.
  5. Suspension and Termination of the Services
    1. You acknowledge and agree that we have the absolute right, in our sole discretion and without any liability to you whatsoever, to suspend or cancel the Services at any time and without notice.
    2. If you do not renew your Domain Proxy and/or Privacy Service, you acknowledge that you will lose all access to the Services.
  6. Refund in Event of Cancellation
    1. We will not provide a refund in the event that we exercise any of our rights set out in Clause 5 above, as there is no cost to you for the operation of the Services.
  7. Communications forwarding
    You agree and acknowledge that:
    1. We will make you aware of any communications relevant to any or all of the Services.
    2. We reserve the right to pass on to you the reasonable costs we may incur for administrative tasks outside of the scope of the Services.


Terms and conditions relating to our SEO tool (the "Service").

The Service is provided by a third party company, rankingCoach GmbH, and is referred to as an “SEO Tool Provider" and branded as "rankingCoach". This Schedule along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us (the “Agreement”). In using the Service, you also agree to the rankingCoach End User Agreement (clause 6 onwards) included in this Schedule.

  1. Service
    1. A description of the rankingCoach service we offer can be found on our website.
    2. rankingCoach may be offered as a free trial for an initial term of fourteen (14) days. After the initial term, the Service will automatically upgrade to a full package and become chargeable as per the prices outlined in our price list.
  2. Activation of the Service
    1. In order to activate the Service, you can log in to your account via the Online Control Panel or contact one of our representatives on 01 5255768. It may take up to 48 business hours for your account to be created and for the Service to activate.
    2. For the free trial, you need to provide us with a valid email address and your payment details. Your email address will be used as a unique identifier with rankingCoach.
  3. Duration
    1. The contract for the provision of the free trial is for fourteen days from the date of signup and/or the order.
    2. At the end of your free trial, you will be charged for whichever plan you have previously chosen unless you submit a cancellation request in your Online Control Panel, prior to the conclusion of the free trial period. By accepting and using the Service for the trial period, you agree to all terms and conditions of this Agreement.
    3. If you purchase the Service without a free trial period, your chosen package will begin within a maximum of 48 business hours.
    4. The Service will remain active and automatically renew on a rolling monthly basis unless you provide at least 30 days’ written notice by email of cancellation. To cancel the Service, please refer to section 11 of our Terms and Conditions.
  4. Information regarding the Service
    1. The Service must be used in respect of a registered Domain Name.
    2. Namesco provides no guarantees or assurances regarding your search engine visibility and/or position following the purchase of the Service. Namesco provides no service level guarantee.
    3. Namesco is not able to carry out specific tasks related to the Service on your behalf.
    4. Namesco has the absolute right to withdraw or alter the Service at any time.
  5. Acceptable Use Policy
    1. Violation of our Acceptable Use Policy, may result in temporary suspension or permanent termination of the Service at our sole discretion. We do not issue service credits for any outages incurred though service disablement resulting from policy violations.
  6. rankingCoach End User Agreement
    1. This Agreement contains the terms and conditions of your limited right and license to use the Service offered by rankingCoach. It governs your access to and use of the rankingCoach software, including any associated media, printed materials, applications and/or documentation, whether electronic or in hard copy as of the Effective Date (Software), and use of the services offered by rankingCoach (Services). You expressly understand and agree that your license to use the Software is only in conjunction with purchase of the Services. By using the Software you acknowledge that you may receive, without further notice or prompting, updated versions of the Software.
    2. The term "Software" includes rankingCoach software, and may in certain circumstances include associated media, printed materials, "online" or electronic documentation, and services available through the Internet to support or add to the Software, and any updates, enhancements, modifications, revisions, or additions to these items (Updates). Note, however, that all software, documentation, or web services that are included in the Software, or accessible via the Software, are governed by this Agreement.
    3. The Software is copyrighted and it is licensed to you under this Agreement, not sold to you. If applicable, the Software may be accompanied by user manuals or other instructions (Documentation). Documentation may be available either as downloads, in traditional paper format, or as web pages. The Documentation is copyrighted by rankingCoach. You may only use the Documentation in conjunction with your licensed use of the Software.
    4. All right, title and interest, including Intellectual Property Rights, in and to the Software is and shall at all times remain vested in rankingCoach and/or its licensors. "Intellectual Property Rights" means all intellectual property rights throughout the world, including copyrights, patents, mask works, trademarks, trade secrets, moral rights, and other proprietary rights, including registrations, applications and rights to apply for registration or other protection of such rights. The Software is protected by copyright and other applicable intellectual property laws. The Software is licensed, not sold or given, to you by rankingCoach for use only under the terms of this Agreement. All rights not specifically granted to you in this Agreement are reserved to rankingCoach and to it third-party licensors. You may not remove any proprietary notice of rankingCoach or any other party from any copy of the Software.
    5. rankingCoach may propose changes to this Agreement which are effective written notice to you. If those changes materially affect this Agreement, you may either (i) terminate this Agreement, and your right to use the Services, prior to the date the changes are effective; or (ii) propose other terms and conditions to those proposed by rankingCoach. rankingCoach may choose to postpone the changes upon your notice. If rankingCoach does so, any such changes will be effective upon renewal of this Agreement. Your use of the Software after changes are made means that you agree to be bound by such changes.
  7. Grant of License
    1. rankingCoach grants you a non-exclusive, limited, personal, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable, license to access and use the Software (license), in object code form only, provided to you by or on behalf of rankingCoach solely in connection with your use of the Services. Your License is subject to and conditioned upon your full compliance with the terms, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Agreement. Updates and new versions of the Software will be provided at no charge.
    2. Your license is for your use only. Licenses are for individual use only: they are not licensed for multiple users, regardless of use in any institutional environment. The License may not be sold, licensed, traded, or used by others. You are responsible for all charges associated with the use of your license.
    3. Copies and Modifications. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise translate the Software or any license you have obtained. You may not modify or adapt the Software or any license in any way. You may make one copy of the Software, the Documentation, and any license that you have obtained, solely for backup or archival purposes. Any such copies of the Software, documentation, or license shall include any copyright or other proprietary notices that were included on such materials when you first received them. Except as authorized in this section, no copies of the Software, documentation, or license, or any portions thereof, may be made by you or any person under your authority or control.
  8. Your Rights and Obligations
    1. Documentation. The License includes the right to use documentation accompanying the Software for the sole purpose of using the Services.
    2. Benefit. The Software, including the graphical user interface made available by rankingCoach and the display, download and export of data received through the Software, is to be accessed and used solely by you and for your benefit or, if you have licensed the agency version of the Software, for the benefit of your clients.
    3. Actions Expressly Prohibited. As a condition of the Agreement, except as and only to the extent expressly permitted in this Agreement or by applicable law which cannot be waived by this Agreement, you shall NOT:
      1. Publish, display, disclose, rent, lease, modify, loan, distribute or create derivative works based on the Software or any part thereof;
      2. Copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, translate, or adapt the Software, or otherwise reduce it to human readable form;
      3. Attempt to create source code from the object code of the Software;
      4. Create a standalone product from any third-party Software contained in the Software; or
      5. Sublicense or assign the Software.
    4. User Data. You hereby represent and warrant that all user data provided by you is accurate and complete. You agree to promptly update any user data as necessary to keep it accurate and complete and not to misrepresent your identity in connection with your access to or use of the Software.
    5. Use Reporting, License Violations and Remedies. rankingCoach reserves the right to gather data on usage including server IP addresses, server hardware and other information deemed relevant, to ensure that the Software is being used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You agree not to block, electronically or otherwise, the transmission of data required for compliance with this Agreement. Any blocking of data required for compliance under this Agreement is a violation of it and will result in immediate termination pursuant to this Agreement.
  9. Third Party Content
    1. All right, title and interest, including Intellectual Property Rights, in and to any content displayed by or accessed through the Software belongs to the owner of such content. The content is protected by copyright or other intellectual property laws. This Agreement does not grant you the right to copy, distribute, prepare derivative works, publicly display, or make other use of such content. You are prohibited from engaging in or facilitating unauthorized sharing of third-party content, including unauthorized posting, making available, uploading, downloading or other distribution.
  10. Upgrading the Software
    1. rankingCoach may issue you an upgraded version of the Software automatically upon an instance of your use of the Software. If updates to the Software are not mandatory, and you do not apply an update, rankingCoach reserves the right to force an update should it determine, in its sole and exclusive judgment, that failure to update the Software will materially affect its ability to do business or provide the Software or Services to others.
  11. Consent to Use of Name and Data
    1. The Software may provide rankingCoach with limited access to the device you use to connect to rankingCoach. Among other things, the Software may provide rankingCoach with information related to your use of the Services, including business sector; amount of time spent within rankingCoach; interactions with the Software; and information regarding the computer system used, such as a unique device identifier, operating system, amount of available storage space, and internet connectivity. This information will, among other things, enable rankingCoach to manage rights associated with the content, allow rankingCoach to help you use the Software more effectively, enforce this Agreement and otherwise help rankingCoach to enhance and improve the Software and the Services. Information obtained by rankingCoach will be treated in accordance with rankingCoach's Privacy Policy.
  12. Export Law Assurances
    1. You agree to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the Software and Services, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by United States, Federal Republic of Germany and other governments. By using the Software, you represent and warrant that you are not located in any country, or providing the Services to, any country or individual with whom companies located in the United States or Federal Republic of Germany may not do business.
  13. rankingCoach's Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations on Liability
  14. Customer Warranties
    1. You warrant and represent that your use of keywords, including the trademark(s) of any third party shall comply with all applicable laws and shall not violate the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.
  15. Indemnification
    1. Each party agrees to indemnify the other for any filed claim that their use of the Software violates an issued U.S. or German patent. rankingCoach's indemnification obligation extends only to the use of the Software as specified in the documentation with all updates applied, and not in conjunction with any other hardware, software or technology.
    2. To secure indemnification, one party must provide the other with written notice of a claim and full authority to defend the claim. However, rankingCoach shall always have the right to defend the validity of its intellectual property rights in the Software. rankingCoach's indemnification obligation shall be satisfied by either: (i) assuming defense of a claim; (ii) providing you with replacement software performing the same or similar tasks; or (iii) refunding the license fee, prorated by the portion of the expired term. Further, you agree to defend and indemnify rankingCoach, its affiliates, and their respective members, shareholders, officers, directors, employees, and agents, and to hold them harmless from and against all claims, suits, costs, damages, liabilities, and losses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising or resulting from any breach of your warranties.
  16. Miscellaneous
    1. No waiver by rankingCoach of any breach of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any prior, concurrent or subsequent breach of the same or any other provisions hereof, and no waiver shall be effective unless it is made in writing and is signed by an authorised representative of rankingCoach. All provisions relating to confidentiality, proprietary rights, and nondisclosure shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Your ability to use the rankingCoach service is subject to your browser compatibility with rankingCoach’s website as such requirements may change from time to time. Compatibility of your browser with the requirements of the Software is your responsibility.


Terms and conditions relating to our SEO tool (the "Service").

The Service is provided by a third party company, rankingCoach GmbH, and is referred to as an “SEO Tool Provider" and branded as "rankingCoach". This Schedule along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us (the “Agreement”). In using the Service, you also agree to the rankingCoach End User Agreement (clause 6 onwards) included in this Schedule.

  1. Service
    1. A description of the rankingCoach service we offer can be found on our website.
    2. rankingCoach may be offered as a free trial for an initial term of fourteen (14) days. After the initial term, the Service will automatically upgrade to a full package and become chargeable as per the prices outlined in our price list.


Terms and conditions related to our PureSSD VPS product (the "Service(s)"). This Schedule, together with our Terms and Conditions form our contract with you.

This Schedule refers to the the PureSSD VPS Service that Register365 provides to you. The Service is provided by a third party company, TransIP B.V, whose address is Vondellaan 47, 2332 AA Leiden, Netherlands and registered under company number 27366574. TransIP B.V is referred to as a "BladeVPS provider", branded as "TransIP". This Schedule along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us (the "Agreement"). In using the Service, you also agree to the terms and conditions of TransIP.

  1. Information you provide to us
    1. You agree with us to:
      1. provide certain true, current, complete and accurate information about you as required by the application process; and
      2. Maintain and update the information you provide to us from the date you enter into a Contract with us.
    2. We rely on this information to send you important information and notices regarding your account and our Services.
    3. You must ensure that all information submitted is correct as we may not be able to rectify errors.
    4. On an ongoing basis you will maintain accurate contact information in your Account. We shall not accept liability for any loss resulting from inaccurate contact information.
    5. Register365 has the right to allocate other Hardware to you if this other Hardware reasonably meets the requirements or is better than the requirements that applied to the original Hardware.
  2. The Service
    1. We agree to provide our Services to you, for the exclusive use, excepting maintenance of the Hardware, at the price agreed upon in the agreement. You represent and warrant that you have or have access to the knowledge and expertise necessary to configure, maintain, monitor, secure and use the Services.
    2. We may need to change the Services as a result of legislative, regulatory or other changes requiring us to do so. We will endeavour to provide you with not less than twenty-one (21) days' notice in advance of such alteration taking effect, but cannot guarantee that we will always do so.
    3. We may also need to temporarily suspend the Services without notice in order to repair, maintain, replace or improve the Services or our network, or in an emergency. If we need to do this, we will try to keep you informed and will try to keep interruptions to a minimum, but we cannot always guarantee to do so.
    4. Unless otherwise indicated the Services do not include back-ups of your data. You are responsible for the back-up of your own files and data, for your own internal network and all equipment that is connected to the Internet. In particular, it is your responsibility to ensure that your firewalls and anti-virus protection are kept up-to-date and are sufficient for your needs.
    5. There is always a shared infrastructure. You will make sure to prevent unnecessary peak loads of the Services and you will not use the Services in a way that causes nuisance to other Register365 customers.
    6. If available, you can upgrade at any time the purchased capacity and storage space for the Services via your Online Control Panel. Register365 will endeavour to implement the requested upgrade as quickly as possible. Downgrading the Services during the agreement is not possible. However, it may be possible to cancel the agreement and enter into a new agreement with Register365, in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
  3. Administrative Access
    Administrative access to the Services is limited to you and your authorised agents. As a general rule, we have no access to the contents of your virtual server. Nevertheless, we reserve the right to require, at our discretion, Software and/or hardware upgrades for the purposes of maintaining security and stability of the Services provided and may require the installation of such upgrades. Standard fees for such upgrades shall be set by us, from time to time.
  4. Your Obligations
    1. You are responsible for keeping all your data within your account up-to-date. You must notify Register365 immediately of any changes in data or circumstances.
    2. If there is (a suspicion of) misuse of login data, you must immediately report this to Register365, so that we can take the appropriate measures.
    3. Every action that takes place through your account is your responsibility and at your risk.
    4. You are fully responsible for all installations and maintenance of applications you use, unless the application is an integral part of the Service.
    5. If you resell the Services you have purchased, you are obliged to declare to the end-user of the Service that these terms and conditions apply to your agreement. We will only support you as our customer and not any end-users which you contract with.
    6. If a third party wishes to gain access to your Services in connection with an audit at Register365 to see whether there is Software on your Services subject to a license from this third party, then we will give you notice. You are obliged to cooperate with this third-party's audit. Naturally, we will treat this as confidential as possible.
    7. We shall report, if appropriate, misuse or abuse of the Service by you to any regulatory authority or, in the case of criminal matters, the police.
    8. You agree not to use the Services to do any of the following and it is expressly agreed between us and you that if there is any breach of this Clause 4 we may, without further notice to you, and without obligation to pay compensation, apply service credits or refund any monies, suspend, restrict or terminate your Services if you:
      1. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene (illegal pornography), libellous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. Please note that Internet Relay Chat (IRC) services may not be run on our network. Contact us for clarification where needed.
      2. Harm minors in any way.
      3. Impersonate any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.
      4. Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content or third-party content transmitted via the Services.
      5. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any third-party content that you do not have a right to transmit under law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships.
      6. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any third-party content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party.
      7. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas of the Services that are designated for such purpose.
      8. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any third-party content that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.
      9. Use any of our servers or our Service to carry out or assist in the carrying out of any "Denial of Service" (DoS) or "Distributed Denial of Service" (DDoS) attacks on any other website or internet service.
      10. Promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, promote physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promote any act of cruelty to animals; or
      11. Do anything that in the opinion of us is likely to bring the Service into disrepute.
  5. Charges and Payment Methods
    1. You shall pay the price for the Services as detailed on our website.
    2. All prices quoted to you for the provision of Services by us are exclusive of any VAT for which you may be additionally liable at the applicable rate. All prices are subject to (apparent) programming and typing errors.
    3. Where the Services are purchased with a set-up fee, this fee is payable immediately.
    4. The price and all other amounts due as confirmed on the Purchase Confirmation shall be paid by you by the due date and in the currency as specified in our proforma invoice. Payment shall be made in full without any abatement, set off or deduction on any grounds.
    5. Payment terms for all invoices and Services must be received by the due date. If you do not make payment on the due date, we will:
      1. be entitled to charge you interest on the amount owing (both before and after judgment) on the amount unpaid at the rate of 4% per annum above the base rate from time to time of Barclays Bank plc, such interest accruing on a daily basis from the date that payment falls due until the date that payment is made in full, and/or
      2. suspend the Service(s) until payment is made in full, and/or
      3. terminate the Contract in whole or in part and cease providing the Service(s).
    6. If you are persistently late in settling your account (defined as being placed on hold more than three (3) times during your Contract with us), we reserve the right in the event of subsequent late payments to put you on hold twenty-four (24) hours after the first reminder of your account being overdue is sent.
    7. We do not offer refunds for Services purchased in advance unless you are within our cooling off period. Please refer to our website for our Refund Policy and main Terms and Conditions.
    8. If your server is attacked (DoS) then we reserve the right to remove your server from our network without notice and without obligation to pay compensation, apply service credits or refund any monies in respect of Service downtime.
    9. Where payment is made by credit/debit card initially, you expressly authorise us to charge recurring billing as appropriate, until you give written notice otherwise to us and the credit/debit card company, or the Services are terminated.
  6. Termination and Cancellation
    1. If you terminate the Contract during the initial subscription period as specified in the Terms and Conditions applicable to the service, or the acknowledgement of order, as the case may be, we may be entitled to charge you a cancellation fee equivalent to the subscription fee for the initial period, less any sums paid by you for that initial period. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for more information on this.
    2. We may, at our sole discretion and without prejudice to any rights have to terminate the Contract, suspend the provision of the Service(s) immediately on sending you written notice if we are entitled to terminate the Contract, or we need to comply with an order, instruction or request of government, an emergency services organisation or other competent administrative or regulatory authority which affects our ability to provide the service, or we reasonably believe you will fail to pay any amount due under the Contract.
    3. You must inform the billing department at least ten (10) working days before your billing date if you intend to cancel.
    4. Failure to cancel in accordance with this Clause 6 will result in your account being charged for one extra month.
  7. Intellectual Property, Licence and Ownership
    1. All Intellectual Property Rights to the Services, Hardware and/or Software including without limit any Internet Protocol Addresses (IPAs) assigned to the Client are and shall remain our property. We reserve the right to change the IPAs assigned to the client at any time, however we shall endeavour to give reasonable notice of the change and shall use reasonable endeavours to reduce disruption to the Client resulting from such changes.
    2. Title to the Hardware and Software (both legal and equitable) is and shall at all times remain with us and you shall keep the Software and Hardware free of all charges, liens and encumbrances and protect it from any and all judicial process.
    3. We grant to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the Software on the Hardware and in conjunction with the Services and except as provided for in these Conditions, you are not permitted to sub-licence any rights granted under the Conditions to any third party. You agree that you will not in yourself, or through a third party:
      1. Copy the Software, except as is necessary to install on Hardware and for internal archiving purposes. In the event that you make any copies of the Software, you shall reproduce all proprietary notices on such copies.
      2. Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive source code from the Software.
      3. Sell, lease, licence or sub-licence the Software or associated documentation; or
      4. Write or develop any derivative or other software programs based, in whole or in part, upon the Software or any confidential information.
  8. Limitation of Liability
    1. This Clause 8 sets out our entire financial liability (including any liability for the acts or omissions of our employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors) to you in respect of:
      1. any breach of the Contract;
      2. any use made by you of the Services, or any part of them;
      3. any representation, statement or tortious act or omission (including negligence) arising under or in connection with the Contract.
    2. All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Contract.
    3. Nothing in this Clause 8 limits or excludes our liability:
      1. for death or personal injury resulting from negligence; or
      2. for any damage or liability incurred by you as a result of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by us.
  9. Personal Data
    1. You acknowledge and agree that details of your name, address, telephone and fax numbers together with email address(es) and assigned IP addresses may be released to the RIPE NCC to ensure that both we and you fulfil their obligations under prevailing RIPE policies and that such data may be published in whole or in part in the RIPE WHOIS database.
    2. You are responsible for the security and confidentiality of your username and password.
  10. Security
    1. Except with respect to issues concerning the physical security of our data centre facilities, you agree that the security of the server and all Services is solely your responsibility. It is the sole responsibility of you to maintain and update security software on the server. Under no circumstance will we be held liable for security breaches and damage caused by your failure to maintain or update the security software or to maintain adequate security protocols in the administration of the server.
    2. You agree that if the security of your server has been compromised in any way, then you will notify us immediately in writing. You shall be held fully responsible for any misuse or compromise of your server for which we are not properly notified. You agree that if any security contraventions are believed to have occurred in association with your server, we have the right to suspend access to the server pending an investigation and resolution. You also agree that we have the right to cooperate in any government or legal investigation regarding any aspect of our services, including any servers used by you. Any use of our system to engage in software piracy or other contraventions of law will result in service suspension and be immediately reported to the appropriate authorities.
    3. Without special agreement, we are not obliged to undertake back-up of data. It is your obligation to back-up any data you wish to retain.


The Service is provided by us and is referred to as the "Website Builder KickStart Service". This Schedule, along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy, relates to the sale and provision of the Service through us.

  1. Included in the Service:
    1. Up to one (1) hour Microsoft Teams call and screen-share with a member of our studio team (the "Team") for an introduction to Website Builder editor and how it works.
    2. During the call, we will cover:
      1. How to access the Website Builder editor via your Online Control Panel.
      2. How to choose/reset a template.
      3. How to add a new page to your website.
      4. How the layout of a website is made up.
      5. How to add new content to the page.
      6. How to add new pre-built sections.
      7. Where to find necessary settings, such as Backup and Restore and SEO.
      8. How to preview and publish your website.
      9. Where to find the online support guides.
      10. Answer any other questions you may have about Website Builder or your website in general.
  2. What is not included in the Service:
    1. The Team will not make amendments to your website.
    2. The Team will not provide a step-by-step walk-through for you to make changes to your website during the call.
  3. Activation of Service
    1. The Service will be activated by our advisors contacting you directly to arrange the screen-share session. If you do not hear from our advisors, please call our Customer Care team and we will arrange the activation call.
  4. Charges
    1. We require payment in advance for the Service.
    2. Prices for the Service are outlined in our price list at
  5. Duration
    1. Website Builder KickStart is a one-off package.
  6. Termination
    1. We shall be entitled to terminate the Service immediately on serving written notice either by email or via the Online Control Panel if:
      1. Our third-party provider is unable or unwilling to provide the software which delivers the Service (the "Software") or becomes bankrupt or has a receiver or administrator appointed over all or any part of their assets; or
      2. It becomes unlawful for us/third parties to provide the Service / Software.
  7. Refunds
    1. No refund is offered past fourteen (14) days of purchasing the Service or once the Service has been activated.


Terms and conditions relating to Startup Site ("the Service")

The Service is provided by a third party company, Duda Inc., and is referred to as the "Website Builder Platform Provider" and branded by Register365 as "Startup Site". This Schedule along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us.

  1. Definitions In this Schedule:
    1. "Brand Features" means all trademarks, service marks, logos and other distinctive brand features.
    2. "Links" means button pointer graphic text (including our Brand Features) incorporated within your Site, which permit users to navigate directly to our Site.
    3. "Product" means any item offered for sale through our Site.
    4. "Site" means either your World Wide Web Site or one belonging to us.
    5. "User" means a visitor referred to our Site through the Links on your Site.
    6. "Website Builder Startup Site" means a Website Builder Startup Site (one (1) page website) which is free for life with websites published on a sub-domain.
    7. "Website Builder Platform Provider" means the third party agent responsible for delivering the website builder, editor and hosting services.
  2. Service
    1. A description of the Website Builder packages and services we offer can be found on our website
    2. Website Builder Startup Site will be free for life with websites published on a sub-domain. The website will be a one (1) page website.
    3. You can upgrade your Startup Site at any time. To upgrade you must purchase a domain from Register365 and your website will then be published on the primary domain. Additional pages can then be commissioned through Register365.
    4. First line technical support for the Service is provided by Register365.
  3. Activation of the Service
    1. In order to activate the Service, you need to create a new account, by providing a sub-domain, a valid email address and a password. Alternatively, you can login to your account with us and follow the instructions supplied under the Website Builder Startup Service.
    2. First line technical support for the Service is provided by Register365.
  4. Duration
    1. The Contract for the provision of the Service is ongoing.
  5. Requirements for the Service
    1. The Service must be used in respect of an available sub-domain.
  6. Websites created and content submitted
    1. By submitting content to the Service for the creation of a website, you grant us and the Website Builder Platform Provider a world-wide, royalty-free, and non- exclusive license to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish the content.
    2. You acknowledge that Register365 and the Website Builder Platform Provider are acting only as a passive conduit for the publishing and/or distribution of such content. Register365 and the Website Builder Platform Provider undertakes no responsibility to review a Site, the products or services listed therein or any other content or customer data, including, but not limited to, user-generated content published and/or distributed on the Site to determine whether any such product, service, company content, or customer data may incur liability to third parties.
    3. We make no representations or warranties about any third-party images and or software offered in connection with the Website Builder Service and expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility regarding the same. You acknowledge and agree that you will protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Register365 Limited from and against any and all claims imposed upon or incurred by Us directly or indirectly arising from your use or misuse of third- party images and or software.
    4. Violation of our Acceptable Use Policy, may result in temporary suspension or permanent termination of one or more service at our sole discretion. We do not issue service credits for any outages incurred though service disablement resulting from policy violations.


Terms and Conditions for WordPress Hosting Services ("WP Hosting").

  1. Services
    1. You will access WP Hosting via your Online Control Panel.
    2. You acknowledge that unless otherwise agreed in writing with us, any set up time ("delivery date") we give to you is a guideline only and we do not guarantee that it will be met.
    3. If you reasonably believe that the service delivered to you on the actual delivery date does not meet the specifications, you must notify us of this within ten (10) working days of the delivery, and we will then use all reasonable endeavours to resolve the issue within ten (10) working days. "Working Day" shall mean a day falling on a Monday to Friday which is not a bank or public holiday.
    4. If you do not notify us of any failure within ten (10) Working Days of delivery or, where we have carried out remedial work pursuant to this Schedule Y, within ten (10) Working Days of us completing that remedial work (as notified to you by us), you will be deemed to have accepted the service as delivered.
    5. We reserve the right to amend the service, at any time, provided that this amendment does not materially detrimentally affect the service.
    6. Where your WP Hosting service also contains email services, please refer to Schedule B. If there is a conflict between this Schedule Y and Schedule B, this Schedule Y will apply.
  2. Charges
    1. You are responsible for ensuring that your bandwidth does not exceed the allowances set as part of your package/service.
    2. If your bandwidth either exceeds the allowance set as part of your package/service or reaches the point where it has an adverse effect on other customers, we reserve the right to:
      1. Disable your site, without prior notice, until you can reduce your bandwidth usage; or
      2. Charge you for excess bandwidth usage, over and above your package allowance, as published by us from time to time.
  3. Storage Capacity
    1. Each package/service is allotted separate web and email storage.
    2. You hereby accept that the sole purpose of the WP Hosting service is the hosting of website files on our servers and platforms. You acknowledge that it is strictly forbidden to use the storage capacity allotted for any other purpose, such as, but not limited to, for the storage, backup, or archive of electronic files, documents, log files etc. We reserve the right to suspend the services and/or to cancel the Contract in such case.
    3. Your website must comply with our Acceptable Use Policy. Should your storage usage present a risk to the stability, performance or uplift of our servers or have an adverse effect on other customers we will notify you via email and you may be required to upgrade or we may restrict the resources your website is using.
  4. Termination
    1. You acknowledge and agree that upon expiration or termination of your WP Hosting, you must discontinue use of the WP Hosting Services, including pointing the domain name system (“DNS”) for your domain name(s) away from our servers.
    2. Prior to termination of the WP Hosting, you are responsible for moving your website or server content off our servers. We will not transfer or FTP your website or server content to another provider. If you fail to move your website or server content off our servers prior to cancellation, we will delete all such content and we will not be able to provide a copy of such content.
  5. Security
    1. You shall be solely responsible for undertaking measures to: (1) prevent any loss or damage to your website or server content; (2) maintain local backup copies of your website or server content; and (3) ensure the security, confidentiality and integrity of all your website or server content transmitted through or stored on our servers.
    2. You shall not use WP Hosting in any way that shall impair the functioning or operation of our services or equipment.
    3. You shall be responsible for providing, updating, uploading and maintaining your website or server and any and all files, pages, data, works, information and/or materials on, within, displayed, linked or transmitted to, from or through your website or server including, but not limited to, trade or service marks, images, photographs, illustrations, graphics, audio clips, video clips, email or other messages, meta tags, domain names, software and text. You acknowledge and agree that in the course of providing you with technical assistance, it may be necessary for our support staff to modify, alter or remove the content of your hosted product. We accept no liability for any losses flowing from providing such assistance.
    4. If you have managed WP Hosting, we will check if any updates are available for your website on a daily basis, including PHP, WordPress, theme and plugin version. If updates are available, we will test them and install them only if they are compatible with your website. We will endeavour to ensure that the functionality and performance of your website is not impacted. However, this cannot be guaranteed. This function is only available on managed WP Hosting Services.
    5. If access to a third-party hosting website is required in the provision of any Service, you represent and warrant that you are authorised to provide us with access to the third-party hosting account for the purposes of this Contract. You agree that you retain sole contractual and any other legal or fiduciary responsibilities related to your third-party hosting account.
    6. If you request that we install any third party software not provided as part of WP Hosting, or you install any third party software yourself, you represent and warrant that (1) you have the right to use and install the third party software, (2) you have paid the applicable licensing fees for the third party software, and (3) the third party software does not and shall not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.
    7. We try to ensure server security and integrity of data at all times. However, despite our efforts, issues may occasionally arise which are beyond our reasonable control. Where an issue does arise with a specific service, we will use all reasonable efforts to resolve the problem. However, we do not guarantee that we can restore any lost or corrupted data and we will have no liability for the loss or corruption of any data. It is your responsibility to ensure that you back up your data as necessary for you.
    8. We scan all files on upload via FTP. While we do our best to block infected files, we cannot guarantee that we will prevent all infected files from being uploaded. We cannot be held liable for any virus infections caused by visits to your site.
  6. Hosting Migration
    1. If you have your domain name registered with us and the WordPress hosting associated with the domain is provided by a third-party, we may, at your request and in our sole discretion, attempt to assist you to move the web hosting for the domain name to us (“Hosting Migration”). We do not make any guarantee regarding the availability, possibility, or time required to complete a Hosting Migration. Each hosting company is configured differently which may make us unable to assist you in the transfer of data from a third-party host.
    2. You are solely responsible for reviewing the functionality and accuracy of migrated content in its new location following a Hosting Migration. If you are satisfied with the data migration, you will need to update the DNS record for the domain name in order to publish the website in its new location. We will not perform website backups or archives in connection with a Hosting Migration, and we recommend that you back up your third-party hosted website before migration to ensure that no data is lost. You agree not to make any changes or revisions to your website during the migration process.
    3. You agree that we are not liable for any delay in website resolution or loss of data related to your Hosting Migration.
    4. We may install a plugin on your external WordPress site for the purpose of facilitating your WordPress migration into WP Hosting environment.
  7. Your obligations
    1. You must notify us if you become aware of any unauthorised use of all or any part of WP Hosting.
    2. You will maintain and keep confidential all user names and passwords and not disclose them to any unauthorised party. If you have any reason to believe that any such confidential information has become known to an unauthorised party, you should inform us immediately by contacting our Customer Care team.
    3. You undertake to allow us access at all reasonable times to perform maintenance or other actions necessary to ensure continued access to the Internet.
    4. You will be liable for all activities or charges and associated costs resulting from use of the service whether or not authorised by you and you acknowledge that we will not be liable for any loss of data or confidential information or other damage arising from such use.
    5. You represent that you have sufficient technical knowledge to enable you to make use of the service. You also represent that you know the nature of shared hosting and notably that the servers and platforms are shared with other customers.
    6. WP Hosting Services may only be used to host a WordPress website. Only a single WordPress installation is allowed per website. Any WordPress hosting account found to be hosting a non-WordPress website may be issued a warning and will be required to remove the non-WordPress website, or may be temporarily or permanently suspended, in our sole discretion. Additionally, you may be required to purchase an appropriate hosting plan in order to host the non-WordPress site should you wish to continue hosting the non-WordPress site on our network.
    7. Failure to comply with any of your obligations as set forth herein or any use of the WP Hosting services for illegal purposes or if the use of the services by you or by any party harms or affects the servers, platforms, quality of service or networks of Namesco Ireland Limited, other customers or third parties, we reserve the right to suspend the services, even without prior notification, and possibly cancel the Contract. You remain solely responsible for the suspension and/or the cancellation of the services and for any direct and indirect consequences that may arise. You formally accept that no refund, voucher, or any other type of compensation will be issued in case of suspension and/or cancellation.
  8. Liability
    1. You acknowledge that you have sole responsibility and liability for the design and maintenance of the website and for ensuring that it does not infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any third party and is not illegal. You are responsible for securing your website and for making sure your files, scripts and any other elements are up-to-date, safe and secure at all times.
    2. You acknowledge that we have no control over any content placed on your website (either by yourself or by website visitors) and that we do not purport to monitor your website content or software. Without prejudice to our rights of termination in the Terms and Conditions, we retain the right without liability of any kind, but shall not under any circumstances be obliged, to immediately and without prior notice to you, remove content or software from your website, or suspend the service, where we become aware or reasonably suspect that such content or software constitutes illegal (including defamatory) material, infringes the intellectual property, or other rights, of any third party, or is in breach of our Acceptable Use Policy.
    3. We do not guarantee the proper delivery of any email message or other data once it has left the confines of our network, and similarly we do not guarantee that data traffic will be delivered or that its contents will be held secure once it passes out of our control.
    4. Where we supply third party equipment, software or applications, our responsibilities are limited to the level of warranty provided by the third party.
  9. Migration of Servers
    1. You acknowledge and agree that as a normal course of business, it may be necessary for us to migrate our servers. As a result, even if you have a dedicated IP, you may be assigned a different IP number. We do not warrant that you will be able to consistently maintain your given IP numbers.
    2. You agree that we are not liable for any delay in website resolution or loss of data related to your Hosting Migration.


Terms and conditions relating to our Customer Success Service (the "Service"). The Service is a tailored package whereby Namesco will provide enhanced website assistance to customers for an hourly bespoke fee.

This Schedule along with our Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us (the “Agreement”). The Service we will offer is as follows:

  1. Activation of the Service
    1. In order to activate the Service, you can call our sales team on 01 5255768.
    2. Once the scope of the Service has been agreed with you, you will receive an email from the Customer Success Team ("CST") setting out next steps and a Service Term Sheet (“STS”) providing relevant instructions regarding the specific Service you have requested.
    3. It is assumed the STS is accepted if no objection is raised by you within 24 hours of it being sent.
  2. Service Options
    1. Work included within the Service includes (but is not limited to):
      1. Email Migration;
      2. Website Migration;
      3. PHP, Theme and Plugins updates for Wordpress;
      4. SSL Certificates ;
      5. Captcha technologies; and
      6. Compliance Services; and
      7. Site Lock Set-ups.
  3. Information Regarding the Service
    1. The Service must be used in respect of a registered domain name.
    2. Namesco provides no service level guarantee. You acknowledge that you have sole responsibility and liability for the design and maintenance of your website and/or email mailbox, and for ensuring that it does not infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any third party and is not illegal.
    3. You are responsible for securing your website and for making sure your files, scripts and any other elements are up-to-date, safe, and secure at all times.
    4. In no event shall we accept liability for any claim, damages or other liability arising from, out of or in connection with the use of the Service.
    5. The CST commit to carry out reasonable tasks to deliver the Service. However, Namesco cannot be held liable in any way towards you or others for loss of profit, lost earnings, or any other form of loss of anticipated profits or indirect and consequential damage connected with the performance of the Service or as a result of your instructions in connection with the Service.We reserve the right to pass on to you the reasonable costs we may incur for administrative tasks outside of the scope of the agreed Service.
  4. Suspension and Termination of the Service
    1. You acknowledge and agree that we have the absolute right, in our sole discretion and without any liability to you whatsoever, to suspend or cancel the Service at any time and without notice.


Terms and Conditions for the provision of iubenda Services.

Online Compliance Services are provided by our group company, iubenda s.r.l. This Schedule is accepted in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions and relates to the sale and provision of iubenda Services through us. In conjunction with these terms, you also agree to iubenda’s Terms and Conditions ("iubenda Terms") which are available at

  1. Definitions
    In this Schedule:
    1. "Minimum Term" means the minimum amount of time that you may purchase the Product for after the order has been accepted.
    2. "Service(s)" means online compliance services provided by iubenda and available for purchase from us as listed at
  2. Purchasing the Service
    1. In order to purchase the Service, you can order from our website, log into your Online Control Panel or by contacting our sales team on 0345 363 3632. We require payment in advance for the Service or any renewal of the Service.
    2. Initial Service support will be provided by us. You can request support through your Online Control Panel or by calling us on the number above. You can also request support from iubenda directly once you have purchased the Service.
    3. If you require additional support regarding the set-up of the Service, you may be referred to our Customer Success Team ("CST"). Once the scope of the Service has been agreed with you, you will receive an email from the Customer Success Team setting out next steps and a Service Term Sheet ("STS") providing relevant instructions regarding the specific Service you have requested.
    4. Utilising the CST may result in additional charges payable by you.
  3. Consequences of termination
    1. On termination for any reason, we will cease providing the Services and delete all relevant data from your account. For the avoidance of doubt, this deletion will include (but is not limited to) all logs, documentation, files and data, if any, associated with the Service.
    2. Should the termination occur during the Minimum Term, you will be liable to pay us the charges that would have arisen from the date of termination until the expiry of the Minimum Term.
    3. If you have a monthly package, you are not eligible for a refund.
  4. Use of the Services
    1. By using the Services, you agree to the iubenda Terms which include, but are not limited to, the terms governing your privacy and the processing of your data.
    2. If there is any conflict between the iubenda Terms and this Schedule, the Schedule will take precedence.
    3. You represent and warrant that you have the necessary rights to any data, software programs or services that you use in connection with your access or use of the Services and that such activities do not infringe the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any third party.
  5. Agreement
    1. You acknowledge and accept that the Service and generated documents are intended to support users in complying with legal requirements, without, however, replacing professional legal advice in the drafting of a privacy policy, cookie policy or of any other legal document or compliance procedure. In some cases, depending on the applicable legislation, further actions may be required to make your activity/website compliant with the law.
    2. Nothing in these terms shall be interpreted as to establish an employment, agency or association relationship between you and us.
    3. We shall not in any case be responsible for, without limitation, any claim, liability, damage, recourse, cost, fee, penalty or issue which should arise as a result of you purchasing or implementing the Services on your website(s).
    4. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the use of the Service does not violate any laws, regulations or the rights of third parties.


Terms and conditions related to our Managed VPS product (the "Service(s)").


This Schedule refers to the Managed VPS Service that Register365 provides to you. This Schedule along with our Terms and Conditions and General Documents relate to the sale and provision of the Service through us (the "Agreement").

  1. Information you provide to us
      1. You agree with us to:
      2. provide certain true, current, complete and accurate information about you as required by the application process; and
    1. Maintain and update the information you provide to us from the date you enter into the Agreement with us.
    2. We rely on this information to send you important information and notices regarding your account and our Services.
    3. You must ensure that all information submitted is correct as we may not be able to rectify errors.
    4. On an ongoing basis you will maintain accurate contact information in your Account. We shall not accept liability for any loss resulting from inaccurate contact information.
    5. Register365 has the right to allocate other Hardware or virtual product to you if this other product reasonably meets the requirements or is better than the requirements that applied to the original product purchased.
  2. Activation
    1. A description of the packages and Services we offer can be found on our website.
    2. First Line Technical Support for the Service is provided by Register365.
    3. To purchase the Service, you can select the appropriate package on our website or via your Online Control Panel.
    4. We will begin your activation process once your order is received, and you have provided us with the information that we request from you.
    5. We will endeavour to configure your services within 72 hours of receiving the order and will confirm this has been completed by sending you an email.
  3. The Service
    1. We agree to provide our Services to you, at the price agreed upon.
    2. We may need to change the Services as a result of legislative, regulatory or other changes requiring us to do so. We will endeavour to provide you with not less than twenty-one (21) days' notice in advance of such alteration taking effect, but cannot guarantee that we will always do so.
    3. We may also need to temporarily suspend the Services without notice in order to repair, maintain, replace or improve the Services or our network, or in an emergency. If we need to do this, we will try to keep you informed and will try to keep interruptions to a minimum, but we cannot always guarantee to do so.
    4. Unless otherwise indicated the Services do not include back-ups of your data, unless you have selected back-ups as part of the Service.
    5. If available, you can upgrade your product or service via your Online Control Panel. Downgrading the Services during the agreement is not possible. However, it may be possible to cancel the agreement and enter into a new agreement with Register365, in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
  4. Administrative Access
    1. You will not have Administrative access to the VPS/Services.
  5. Your Obligations
    1. You are responsible for keeping all your data within your account up-to-date. You must notify Register365 immediately of any changes in data or circumstances.
    2. If there is (a suspicion of) misuse of login data, you must immediately report this to Register365, so that we can take the appropriate measures.
    3. Every action that takes place through your account is your responsibility and at your risk.
    4. If you resell the Services you have purchased, you are obliged to declare to the end-user of the Service that these terms and conditions apply to your agreement. We will only support you as our customer and not any end-users which you contract with.
    5. If a third party wishes to gain access to your Services in connection with an audit at Register365 to see whether there is Software on your Services subject to a license from this third party, then we will give you notice. You are obliged to cooperate with this third-party's audit. Naturally, we will treat this as confidential as possible.
    6. We shall report, if appropriate, misuse or abuse of the Service by you to any regulatory authority or, in the case of criminal matters, the police.
    7. You agree not to use the Services to do any of the following and it is expressly agreed between us and you that if there is any breach of this Clause 5 we may, without further notice to you, and without obligation to pay compensation, apply service credits or refund any monies, suspend, restrict or terminate your Services if you:
      1. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene (illegal pornography), libellous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable. Please note that Internet Relay Chat (IRC) services may not be run on our network. Contact us for clarification where needed.
      2. Harm minors in any way.
      3. Impersonate any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.
      4. Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content or third-party content transmitted via the Services.
      5. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any third-party content that you do not have a right to transmit under law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships.
      6. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any third-party content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party.
      7. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas of the Services that are designated for such purpose.
      8. Upload, post or otherwise transmit any third-party content that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.
      9. Use our Service to carry out or assist in the carrying out of any "Denial of Service" (DoS) or "Distributed Denial of Service" (DDoS) attacks on any other website or internet service.
      10. Promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, promote physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promote any act of cruelty to animals; or
      11. Do anything that in the opinion of us is likely to bring the Service into disrepute.
  6. Charges and Payment Methods
    1. You shall pay the price for the Services as detailed on our website.
    2. All prices quoted to you for the provision of Services by us are exclusive of any VAT for which you may be additionally liable at the applicable rate. All prices are subject to (apparent) programming and typing errors.
    3. Where the Services are purchased with a set-up fee, this fee is payable immediately.
    4. Payment terms for all invoices and Services must be received by the due date. If you do not make payment on the due date, we will:
      1. be entitled to charge you interest on the amount owing (both before and after judgment) on the amount unpaid at the rate of 4% per annum above the base rate from time to time of Barclays Bank plc, such interest accruing on a daily basis from the date that payment falls due until the date that payment is made in full, and/or
      2. suspend the Service(s) until payment is made in full, and/or
      3. terminate the Agreement in whole or in part and cease providing the Service(s).
    5. If you are persistently late in settling your account (defined as being placed on hold more than three (3) times during your Agreement with us), we reserve the right in the event of subsequent late payments to put you on hold twenty-four (24) hours after the first reminder of your account being overdue is sent.
    6. We do not offer refunds for Services purchased in advance unless you are within our cooling off period. Please refer to our website for our Refund Policy and main Terms and Conditions.
    7. If the server is attacked (DoS) then we reserve the right to remove your server from our network without notice and without obligation to pay compensation, apply service credits or refund any monies in respect of Service downtime.
    8. Where payment is made by credit/debit card initially, you expressly authorise us to charge recurring billing as appropriate, until you give written notice otherwise to us and the credit/debit card company, or the Services are terminated.
  7. Termination and Cancellation
    1. You can purchase the Service on a monthly or annual basis. If you terminate the Agreement during the initial subscription period, we may be entitled to charge you a cancellation fee equivalent to the subscription fee for the initial period, less any sums paid by you for that initial period. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for more information on this.
    2. We may, at our sole discretion and without prejudice to any rights have to terminate the Agreement, suspend the provision of the Service(s) immediately on sending you written notice if we are entitled to terminate the Agreement, or we need to comply with an order, instruction or request of government, an emergency services organisation or other competent administrative or regulatory authority which affects our ability to provide the service, or we reasonably believe you will fail to pay any amount due under the Contract.
    3. Failure to cancel in accordance with this Clause 7 will result in your account being charged for one extra month.
  8. Intellectual Property, Licence and Ownership
    1. All Intellectual Property Rights to the Services, Hardware and/or Software including without limit any Internet Protocol Addresses (IPAs) assigned to you are and shall remain our property. We reserve the right to change the IPAs assigned to the client at any time, however we shall endeavour to give reasonable notice of the change and shall use reasonable endeavours to reduce disruption to you resulting from such changes.
  9. Personal Data
    1. You acknowledge and agree that details of your name, address, telephone and fax numbers together with email address(es) and assigned IP addresses may be released to the RIPE NCC to ensure that both we and you fulfil their obligations under prevailing RIPE policies and that such data may be published in whole or in part in the RIPE WHOIS database.
    2. You are responsible for the security and confidentiality of your username and password.